Hepatitis A in Dummerstorf: bakery closed | NDR.de – news


Status: 11/14/2020 6:43 am

Hepatitis A infections in the Dummerstorf community stem from a bakery workforce. A branch was closed after traces of hepatitis A were found on a light switch.

After numerous hepatitis A illnesses in the Dummerstorf community near Rostock, a bakery branch was closed there. As announced by the Rostock district on, the suspicion that the source of infection from the hepatitis A outbreak is a disease in the branch workforce has been confirmed. However, the origin of this initial illness remains unclear, as delivered goods can be excluded as a source of infection.

Employees apparently washed their hands in a sink

In the sample of a light switch, detection of hepatitis A RNA was successful, the district said. The food control office had closed the store, the workforce was released and examined more closely. Food inspectors also found a faulty sink on the branch. According to the investigation, it had not been used for a long time. “The employees at the branch apparently were only able to wash in one sink for a long time,” he said.

What is Hepatitis A?

The main symptom of hepatitis A infection is acute inflammation of the liver. There is also diarrhea, fever, weakness, and yellow skin. According to health authorities, the disease is usually cured without complications. Hepatitis A is the most harmless of the hepatitis diseases. The most dangerous pathogens that cause hepatitis B and C are generally transmitted through blood and sexual contacts. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B, but not yet against variant C.

23 infections by Friday

Previously, the number of hepatitis A cases in and around Dummerstorf rose to 23 cases on Friday. Three more test results are pending. In five of those infected, there is no reliable connection to the bakery. Therefore, further examinations of employees would be initiated in three other companies in the municipality of Dummerstorf. In total, more than 100 contact persons were identified and contacted.

Hepatitis A: mostly mild course

The hepatitis A virus spreads throughout the world; infections are relatively rare in Germany. In 2018, 1,043 cases were reported, compared to 1,234 the previous year. When infected, the liver becomes inflamed. The infection is acute, usually clears up on its own, and rarely becomes chronic. Children usually have mild symptoms. In very rare cases, especially those with previous illnesses, the illness can be fatal.

More information

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NDR 1 Radio MV | The news | 11/14/2020 | 07:00 am

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