Hengameh Yaghoobifarah’s column “taz” does not violate the press code


According to the press council, the controversial police critic column of the daily “taz” does not violate the press code. In the controversial text, author Hengameh Yaghoobifarah wrote that if police officers change jobs, it is better to place them in a landfill: “In the landfill, where they are really just surrounded by garbage. They certainly feel more comfortable among their own. own class. “

This statement was covered by freedom of expression, the press council announced on Tuesday. The panel rejected 382 complaints received as unfounded. The police, as part of the executive branch, have to endure harsh criticism from the press.

Consequently, there were several representatives of the police among the complainants due to the article “taz”. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) also addressed the committee, according to the press council.

The vast majority of the council members concluded that the text does not violate the human dignity established in the press code, the press council continued. The text refers to a professional group and not to individual persons.

The police are also a socially recognized professional group that are not protected against discrimination. The column is a “game of drastic thinking”, but it offers space for different interpretations and, therefore, is part of freedom of expression.

The police union (GdP) showed a “massive misunderstanding” before the decision of the press council. “This deeply hurt the feelings of an entire professional group, even if we consider freedom of the press in our country to be a valuable asset,” explained GdP Federal Vice President Jörg Radek.

On Monday, the “Tagesspiegel” reported that the Berlin prosecutor’s office was unlikely to launch an investigation due to the initial lack of suspicion. In the June column entitled “All policemen are unable to work,” he was in connection with accusations of racism about a possible abolition of the police. Seehofer then threatened to file a complaint about the column. After extensive criticism, he resigned from it.

Icon: The mirror
