Helpers in Lesbos complain: girl raped in refugee camp


The Moria slum camp on Lesbos caught fire in the summer. The new homes for thousands of immigrants on the Greek island are no better. Conditions are especially dangerous for children.

A three-year-old girl is said to have been raped earlier in the week at the makeshift Kara Tepe refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. The SOS Children’s Villages organization reported this on Friday; an employee of an aid organization in the field confirmed the incident to the German press agency in Athens.

According to SOS Children’s Villages, the boy was found unconscious and bleeding in one of the bathrooms on Monday, and investigations were ongoing. “We are very upset,” said Boris Breyer, a spokesman for the aid organization. “Since the makeshift camp was set up in the former Kara Tepe military training area in September, we have repeatedly flagged the catastrophic conditions and warned of the dangers, especially for children.”

A major fire left 10,000 refugees homeless

The Kara Tepe camp was established after the original Moria camp was destroyed in a major fire. By the end of the summer, around 10,000 refugees and migrants had become homeless overnight.

Around 7,500 people currently live in the new makeshift camp. The supply situation and hygienic conditions are completely inadequate and the atmosphere is extremely tense, Breyer said. Even in the previous camp, Moria, there were repeated outbreaks of violence.

According to SOS Children’s Villages, in response to the rape, the Greek government is said to have decided to transfer 200 people, mainly children and families, to another camp, which is also in the former military training area. SOS Children’s Villages has been supporting refugee children and families in Lesbos for years with psychological help and education.
