Help from the US crown: Senate blocks Trump measure |


The dispute over increased crown aid has sparked unusual alliances in the US Democrats support President Trump’s decision. But Republicans in the US Senate are blocking the plans.

An increase in direct aid from the crown for US citizens to $ 2,000 has little chance of success due to a lockdown in the Senate. Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in the House of Congress that the Senate would not allow itself to be harassed into rushing to spend money on people, some of whom didn’t need it. He again rejected persistent attempts by Democrats to quickly push for a vote on the issue.

Democrats support Trump’s measure

McConnell pointed out during a heated debate in the Senate that Congress only approved billions in aid a few days ago. He was referring to a package of laws that includes $ 900 billion in support of the coronavirus and $ 1.4 trillion in federal funding through September.

Current US President Donald Trump eventually signed the package into effect after days of lockdown, but demanded an increase in a one-time payment for many US citizens from $ 600 to $ 2,000. With this, he is exceptionally in line with the Democrats, who quickly passed a funding increase in the ruling House of Representatives.

Trump’s Republicans, however, are divided on the issue. Many of them are against higher spending right now and are aiming for budget discipline.

Increase linked to lawsuits

McConnell had introduced a bill in the Senate that linked an increase in direct aid to two other Trump demands that are problematic for Democrats: tighter regulation of online platforms like Facebook and Twitter and the establishment of a body to examine the presidential elections and make proposals. for greater security in the elections.

Tying Corona’s aid to these issues makes it virtually impossible for Democrats to pass the draft. Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer accused McConnell of wanting to bury the pressure for the $ 2,000 checks so badly needed by many Americans. President-elect Joe Biden also campaigned for one-time payments of $ 2,000.

Concern about the balance of power in the Senate

But some Republicans are also unhappy with his leadership’s resilience, fearing an unfavorable outcome for them in Georgia’s groundbreaking two-seat runoff elections. The results will determine the future balance of power in the House of Parliament in Washington and, therefore, the room for maneuver President-elect Joe Biden will have on bills.

At the same time, such a modified bill would have to be resolved again in the House of Representatives, which would hardly be possible in terms of time. The new composition of the United States Congress will meet on Sunday. Observers believe that it is practically impossible for the matter to advance sooner. McConnell made it clear that he was not ready to separate the crown aid from the other issues.

Effects on the defense budget dispute

The dispute also affects another front, where Trump is engaged in a trench warfare with his party. On Tuesday, the democratically dominated House of Representatives, with the votes of many Republicans, clearly overruled a presidential veto on the new defense budget. The Senate was supposed to do the same with a vote, but this was blocked by left-wing senators around Bernie Sanders. They demand a vote first on the increase in crown aid desired by Trump.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on December 31, 2020 at 9:00 am
