Heilpraktikerin and yellow vests triggered the Reichstag clash


The conspiracy ideologues of the “yellow west” movement made a decisive contribution to the escalation before the Reichstag on Saturday. An activist from the Aachen region played a central role.

A network of conspiracy theorists and activists from the “yellow west” is apparently partly responsible for proving that the protesters broke through police barriers in front of the Reichstag and occupied the steps of Parliament. Research by t-online.de shows that a group around an activist first mobilized to the rally there and then spread false information there to warm up the crowd. Finally, the activist explicitly called for the stairs of parliament to be stormed.

Was the action planned?

“Now we have to show that we are all here. And we will go up and take back our house today, here and now,” the woman with the dreadlocks shouted from the stage. There are some indications that this was not a spontaneous outburst of sentiment, but that the yellow vest activists, otherwise ridiculed, with the Reich citizen ideology planned such action. The speaker herself vehemently denies this.

The alternative practitioner on stage: Then the citizens of the Reich broke through the barriers.  (Source: Screenshot: Twitter)The alternative practitioner on stage: Then the citizens of the Reich broke through the barriers. (Source: Screenshot: Twitter)

The activist’s name is Tamara K. She is a naturopath in the Aachen area and has been active in the yellow vests there for years. Among other things, he apparently registered a rally for the group to visit Macron and Merkel in January 2019 in Aachen and traveled with other German activists to protests in Paris. From there, she also broadcast live images for one of the largest German-speaking channels in the conspiracy community “QAnon”. She is also said to have worked as a translator on the channel. There you can find a distancing.

The yellow vests: The yellow vest movement originated in France, where citizens initially protested against high gasoline prices and a weak welfare state. The month-long demonstrations often escalated into violence. Extremists from the right and left alike united. In Germany the movement barely has an answer, because Reich citizens and right-wing extremists set the tone.

Last weekend he was at the demonstrations in Berlin with other yellow vests. One of the leaders of the Berlin group, Ricardo Sch., Had already picked up the microphone in front of the Russian embassy on Friday. Tamara K. has already announced an action, surrounded by black, white and red imperial flags, as they were seen in front of the Bundestag the next day. “Tomorrow we will unite to ensure that this false government of the FRG is liquidated,” said the activist. The Russian embassy asked them to “take care of us, tomorrow we will fight for our freedom.”

In the audience for the speech was a man in distinctive sunglasses and a yellow vest, who belongs to the core of the Berlin group. He applauded. The next day he and K. stood in front of the Reichstag. There he broadcast false information through a megaphone that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, was in the city: “He gave us half an hour to meet here and claim our sovereignty and the peace treaty.”

The man with the megaphone: Like Tamara K., the Yellow West activist in Berlin spread the misinformation that Trump was in town.  (Source: Screenshot: Twitter)The man with the megaphone: Like Tamara K., the Yellow West activist in Berlin spread the misinformation that Trump was in town. (Source: Screenshot: Twitter)

K. repeated the absurd rumor during his speech on the stage in front of the Reichstag building. It is not the only thing: previously, the video recordings of K. and his campaign companions had already been made using a megaphone to persuade passersby to participate in the demonstration in front of the Reichstag. They spread the rumor that the police no longer had power.

Naturopath: The action was “completely spontaneous”

Immediately after the speech in front of the Bundestag, the protesters finally broke through the barriers. K. was in front, you can see it in the photos. She told t-online.de that her speech and action were “completely spontaneous.” The fact that she had announced the day before that she would “liquidate the government of the FRG” was “a purely technical process” that was not associated with any specific form of action.

A woman with distinctive dreadlocks can be seen under the black, white and red flag: presumably this is Tamara K. (Source: Reuters / Christian Mang)A woman with striking dreadlocks can be seen under the black-white-red flag: presumably this is Tamara K. (Source: Christian Mang / Reuters)

She told the “Tagesspiegel”: It was an incredible feeling, one was very happy with the photos. “The world is finally seeing what is happening in our country.” She is still convinced that Trump was in Berlin. But now it is being attacked and threatened.

In the place it is rumored that he is from the left, a mole of the authorities, the whole storm that started in the Reichstag building was a false flag campaign to discredit the movement. The yellow vests did not settle in the Federal Republic this Saturday. But they themselves announced that they were planning it. Police are currently investigating the background to the riot.
