Health department monitors death: Swiss people died after Covid vaccination


The health department controls death
Switzerland died after vaccination against Covid

Swiss authorities are currently investigating a first death that occurred after a Covid vaccination. The reference to this comes from circles of crown skeptics in the canton of Lucerne. So far, however, it is still unclear if there is a connection between death and vaccination.

In Switzerland, one person died after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. “We are aware of the case,” said a spokeswoman for the Lucerne canton health department. The authorities informed the Swiss Agency for Therapeutics, Swissmedic, which is responsible for the approval of the vaccines. The spokeswoman did not elaborate. It also did not provide any information on whether the death was related to the Covid vaccination.

The “Luzerner Zeitung” reported that a very old vaccinated person had died in a Lucerne nursing home. Swiss authorities want to communicate later that day whether the inmate’s death was due to the vaccine, the newspaper wrote. The first reference to the incident dates back to a skeptic of the Swiss Crown: Christoph Pfluger first reported on it in the magazine “Zeit”. According to this, the affected person was said to have been vaccinated at a home for dementia patients on Christmas Eve without the vaccination team having previously contacted the responsible GP. According to the magazine report, the resident had previously had an allergic reaction to flu shots and was therefore no longer vaccinated. He then suffered from abdominal and urethral pain and passed away on the morning of December 29.

Side effects such as flu vaccination

So far, only the Pfizer and Biontech vaccines have been approved in Switzerland. On the occasion of the approval, Swissmedic wrote on December 19 that the most common side effects documented in the approval studies were comparable to those of a flu vaccine. Swissmedic would closely monitor the safety of the vaccine and take action in the event of safety signals, it was said at the time.

In Switzerland, corona vaccines started the day before Christmas. One of the first to receive the active ingredient as protection against corona virus infection was a 90-year-old woman from a retirement home near Lucerne, the canton’s health department said. The first 110,000 doses of vaccine had been delivered the day before and the army distributed them throughout the country.
