Health – Confederation: Restriction to 25 people in private parties – Health


Berlin (dpa) – In view of the persistently high number of corona infections, the federal government proposes an upper limit of 25 participants for celebrations in private rooms.

In public spaces there should be a maximum of 50 participants, according to a draft federal resolution proposal made available to the German Press Agency for the deliberations of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with the prime ministers of the federal states this Tuesday. First, the newspaper “Bild” reported on the figures.

The document also says that in view of the number of infections, no further opening steps should currently be allowed. To allow correct follow-up of contacts, regulatory authorities must be able to prove wrongful personal information violations in restaurants with a minimum fine of 50 euros.

It is not clear whether the maximum number of celebrations should only be applied when certain limit values ​​for new infections are exceeded. In the draft, it says in brackets that the federal states would enact regulations on the number of participants in festivals if the number of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a municipality is exceeded in seven days. This means that the critical number of new infections for this regulation has yet to be negotiated at the Prime Minister’s Conference.

Determination of lower values ​​by a state or municipality is still possible after draft. Exceptions may be made for celebrations announced with hygiene plans approved by the health department.

If more than 50 people per 100,000 inhabitants are infected in a district within 7 days, further action will be taken, the document continues. In particular, the number of participants should be further limited, according to the ideas of the federal government, to a maximum of 10 participants in private rooms and a maximum of 25 participants in public rooms.

Merkel warned in a video conference of the CDU presidium on Monday, according to information from participants, of a significant increase in new corona infections in Germany. If they develop weekly, there will be 19,200 new infections a day by Christmas. The Chancellor had extrapolated it, he said. Schools, daycare centers and the economy take priority, Merkel said. You have to address the local sources of infection very clearly, otherwise you would have numbers at Christmas like in France, where the situation is again extremely tense.

More recently, Merkel and state heads of government discussed necessary measures in the pandemic in a video link in late August. Concerned about rising Covid-19 infection numbers, the federal and state governments refused to ease the requirements at the time, tightening them in part. Even then, celebrations in private and family circles, which are considered one of the main causes of the increasing number of infections, caused concern. The federal and state governments could not agree on the upper limits nationally for the number of participants.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) spoke in front of the video switch, as did North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) in favor of a kind of crown warning light. What is needed is a uniform, binding, proportionate and reliable set of rules that will then be applied throughout Germany, Söder said. If a certain number of infections is exceeded, this will turn yellow or red. Then measures would come into force, such as tests for risk groups, fewer spectators at sporting events, fewer participants in private events or a stricter mask requirement, for example in public places.

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