Health authorities find less and less the origin of a corona outbreak


meIn what areas can daily life be restricted to prevent corona infections? To decide that, political leaders must know where people are infected with the virus. But it is difficult for health authorities to assign the outbreaks. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) discovered the origin of an infection in less than 30 percent of infections, said a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Health. It goes with the fact that federal states also have little specific information about where people are infected, as a FAZ survey showed.

Timo Steppat

In Hesse, the outbreak could be identified in 38.8 percent of all people currently infected last week. In Thuringia, the value was at least 44.6 percent. In Baden-Württemberg, 43.9 percent of corona cases could still be assigned as of mid-September; However, in the second week of October, the assignment was only successful in one in five cases in another outbreak in the Southwest. In Bavaria, 80 percent of the infection sites were recently unknown, but of the 20 percent found, one in two people became infected at home in September and early October. What countries have in common on average: The already comparatively low rate of identified outbreaks is declining, the infection rate is becoming diffuse, and around half of infections occur in the private sector, in families, or in shared apartments.

Now country figures show that infections rarely occur in social contacts. In North Rhine-Westphalia, only seven percent of the cases resolved at the end of September were contagious with friends or acquaintances. In Bavaria it is from five to 15 percent of the cases identified. So is meeting friends less dangerous? Since most cases cannot be attributed to an outbreak, this is quite unlikely. The basic rule is: if two or more people sit in an enclosed space, the risk increases. The dark field is great.

The fact that so few infections can be traced back to individual encounters is mainly due to the lack of memory of those affected. If you get Covid-19, you will receive a call from the health department. “Can you imagine where you got it?” Some say that there is someone in their circle of acquaintances, in family or at work who has tested positive. “Have you been in a room with him for more than 15 minutes?” If the answer is yes, an infection can be assigned to a case called an index. Meanwhile, however, it is the exception, according to many health authorities.
