Head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution: “We must expect an Islamist attack every day also in Germany”


Germany Head of constitution protection

“You also have to expect an Islamist attack every day in Germany”

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Nehammer admits mistakes: “Obviously, something went wrong in the communication”

Austria’s Interior Minister Karl Nehammer admits mistakes. Not only was the author released from custody early, but there was also a warning from a foreign secret service about him prior to the crime.

Constitutional Protection President Haldenwang warns against copycat acts after the Islamist-motivated terrorist attacks in Nice and Vienna. The German security authorities would have to be very vigilant. You have to take a “very sharp look at the threats we know about.”

VDetection Protection Chief Thomas Haldenwang sees a danger in copycats after several Islamist terror attacks in recent weeks. We must take a “very sharp look at the threats that we know, because surely there is one or another who thinks of acts of imitation,” said the president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution of the capital study ARD. Currently, the security authorities in Germany have to be “very vigilant.”

“In recent years I have always said that the threat posed by Islamist terrorism remains high; we have to count on an Islamist attack every day in Germany as well,” Haldenwang said. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution considers the renewed debate on the Muhammad cartoons in France to be the main trigger for the Islamist-motivated attacks in recent weeks. Haldenwang said the issue “raised the emotions of Islamists a lot,” Haldenwang said.

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Bullet holes are seen in the door of a restaurant at one of the sites of a terrorist attack, in Vienna, Austria, on November 4, 2020. - Investigators are trying to gather more information about the gunman's circle after arresting to 14 people.  in the wake of the November 2, 2020 shooting, the first major attack in Austria in decades and the first attributed to a jihadist.  The attacker, named Kujtim Fejzulai, a 20-year-old Austrian-Macedonian national, killed four people and injured more.  (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP)

In Dresden, on October 4, two men were victims of a knife attack, one of them died. Also in October, three people were killed in a knife attack in a Nice church. On Monday, a supporter of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia shot four people in Vienna before being killed by police.

Looking at IS, Haldenwang said: “In any case, it is clear that IS is making efforts to reorganize.” But: “I still don’t see an IS-coordinated approach in Western Europe, with concrete plans and structures in Western Europe.” But IS propaganda is enough to motivate radicalized individual perpetrators to confess to IS.
