“He will no longer support it” – Boris Palmer reacts to the Greens’ decision


Germany Mayor of Tübingen

The Greens leave Palmer – “we will no longer support”

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The Greens move away from Palmer – “will no longer support”

After its controversial statements about elderly crown patients, the Green Party turns away from its Mayor of Tübingen. Green leader Annalena Baerbock announced that new internal sanctions are under review.

The leader of the Greens faction on the Tübingen municipal council no longer wants to nominate Boris Palmer for the election of mayor in 2022. The Federal Executive Board is also clearly positioned and keeping an exclusion procedure open.

DThe Greens federal executive committee distanced itself clearly on Monday from Tübingen mayor Boris Palmer. The result of a consultation carried out in consultation with the Baden-Württemberg state association Federal CEO Michael Kellner publicly on Twitter.

Kellner said: “Boris Palmer’s performance follows a pattern. Boris Palmer deliberately provocatively opposes the values ​​of the Greens, often excluding people. This is followed by a half-hearted apology, shortly thereafter follows.” Palmer “shame about the party.

The Green Greens executive committee would no longer support Boris Palmer in a new candidacy in Tübingen and also in other political activities. “We will also work with the Baden-Württemberg State Executive Board to determine what other sanctions are possible under party law and which are likely to succeed.”

Palmer was disappointed. The allegations are “incomprehensible to him,” said Palmer, the ZDF. He sees “no violation of the values ​​and spirit” of the Greens.

Previously, the leader of the Green Group on the Tübingen municipal council, Christoph Joachim, announced that he would not nominate Palmer again for the next election. “I am friends with Boris Palmer, but it cannot be that I will compete for the Greens again in 2022,” Joachim told the Germany (RND) editorial network on Monday. I would recommend that Palmer is no longer nominated.

Joachim added if Palmer would run without green support. Palmer fails regularly. “And now exclude the old, that is not possible.” In general, understanding people “is not their thing.” But a city cannot be managed with a purely mathematical mind.

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Last week, Palmer had encountered strong opposition to drastic statements about crown protection measures. Palmer said: “We can save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway, due to their age and previous illnesses.”

In the face of outrage, he later apologized. He regretted his regret before the German Press Agency on Sunday, but also emphasized that he felt misrepresented.

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Tübingen, July 31, 2017 Business trip with Boris Palmer copyright: Alex Kraus Alex Kraus // Grabig 9 // 97833 Frammersbach // tel. 0049 160 94457749 // alex@kapix.de

Green politician Boris Palmer

The leader of the Tübingen parliamentary group, Joachim, rejected a lawsuit against Palmer to exclude the party. The Greens would endure such debates, he told RND.

Greens President Robert Habeck clearly distanced himself from Palmer. His party colleague’s sentence was wrong and ruthless, Habeck emphasized Sunday night on the ARD show “Anne Will.” “He doesn’t speak for the party or for me.”

“What can they accuse me of this time?” Asks Palmer.

The green leader had evaded a possible procedure for exclusion from the party. In an open letter, about 100 party members demanded that Palmers be fired. Habeck simply said that, as party leader, he was the recipient of the letter, and would therefore deal with the matter. His patience is “really exhausted”.

On Monday, Palmer was surprised by Habeck’s exhausted patience: “I’m surprised by this phrase, because what can they accuse me of this time?” He asked Monday in the “Bild live” conversation format. His controversial sentence could not be contested, “with a high probability that he is right.”

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