He was only 21 years old: “The greatest boy in the world” has died


I was only 21 years old
“The greatest boy in the world” has died

At three and a half years old, Russian Jambulat Chatochow weighs just under 50 kilograms, and at twelve he even weighs 175 kilograms. Several doctors attest to the best of health. But now the former “fattest boy in the world” dies at the age of just 21.

Russian sumo wrestler Jambulat Chatochow died at the age of just 21. The Reuters news agency and Russian media report unanimously. Chatochow became famous in 2003 when he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the fattest boy in the world” at the age of three and a half.

“The first sumo wrestler of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has passed away. My condolences to his family and friends,” wrote the president of the regional wrestling and sumo association, Betal Gubschew on Instagram. However, he did not reveal the cause of death. According to the US portal “Tmz.com”, Chatochow died of kidney failure.

In 2003, when Jambulat was three and a half years old, he was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest and strongest boy in the world of his age. At the time, the boy weighed 48 kilograms, was a size 32, and lifted heavy weights with ease. Doctors confirmed that the child is perfectly healthy. At twelve he weighed 175 kilograms, at 16 he weighed 226 kilograms. More recently, Chatochow weighed more than 200 kilograms.

“Take a look at your medical records!”

Jambulate appeared on television shows several times. According to RTL, his mother repeatedly denied her son’s health problems in interviews. She took him to several doctors, all of whom had certified him in the best of health. Meanwhile, according to a “Daily Mail” report, there were also allegations against her in the room that she had administered steroids to her son, which she also vehemently denied. “Look at his medical history! Do you think I gave him steroids when he was two months old? Do people think I’m a killer? I love my son, I wouldn’t do anything to him that could endanger his health,” she said aloud. “Bild,” he said in one of the interviews.

In 2008, Chatochow was tested for steroids by British physician Ian Campbell, the result was negative. But even then, the doctor warned: “Jambulate’s health is terrible. At his weight, he has a higher risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.”
