Hartz IV, DB time change and new laws: radical changes in December – everything at a glance


  • Lisa fischer

    sinceLisa fischer


As of December 1, numerous changes and innovations will take effect throughout Germany. For example, for train drivers, apartment owners, and Hartz IV recipients.

  • Since December some changes and innovations are applied in the federal territory.
  • Those affected are, among other things Passengers of the Deutsche Bahn, Hartz IV container and the Real estate.
  • A Overview You can read about the innovations with us.

Munich – With the last month of 2020 There are also numerous changes in the rules and laws Innovations or extensions in some areas. The partial lockdown introduced due to the corona pandemic is also affected by the changes. Who in what from December 1 You must pay attention to read with us.

Changes since December 2020: the federal government extends the partial lockdown until the winter month

The one announced by the federal and state governments in October Partial blocking, which will be applied throughout Germany from November 2 extended. Measures to contain the coronavirus have been tightened in some cases. According to the federal government’s speech on Wednesday, November 25, the partial blockade applies to the entire December – there are possible exceptions Christmas Y New Year Eve. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder will deliver a government statement in front of the state parliament on Friday, November 27.

Changes from December 2020: Deutsche Bahn time change – possible “half hour”

In travel, the German train in the middle of the month, from December 13 new schedule. The so-called winter hours will apply until June 2021. Certain Tickets you can buy now, write the company on your home page. The changes look like this: through more Trains in use there is a Half an hour Between Hamburg Y Sedan. For the first time there is a new long-distance traffic stop, as a test, in Ringsheim / Europa-Park. In addition, Deutsche Bahn promises to improve services on connections Bonn Y Sedan, Munich Y Zürich as Sedan Y Krakow. However, you also have to demand answer and some train connections painted. Noisy focus.de will be the Prices in long distance traffic by an average of one percent climbing.

Changes since December 2020: Flight booking change fees remain largely unenforced

Some airlines continue giving up Booking change fee in December and January. TO Ryanair this continues to apply to flights booked as of June 10, 2020 focus.de. However, passengers would have to make changes no later than seven days. departure announce. And also Lufthansa with its subsidiary airlines Austrian, Swiss and Brussels Airlines exempts reservation change fees in December. “All our fares and tickets can be re-booked, for short, medium and long-haul routes, for existing and new bookings,” Lufthansa reported at the website.

Changes since December 2020: Increased benefits for Hartz IV recipients in 2021

Hartz IV container receive greater power of control in Year 2021. But beware: these will be transferred in December 2020, reports focus.de. the Services increase as follows: The basic rate ALG II (single-family home) is increased by 14 euros to 446 euros. Young people from a community of needs receive an additional 45 euros (373 euros). Children up to five years old get 33 euros more with the new year and therefore monthly 283 euros. Also should Couples or spouses will receive 401 from 2021. Young adults (up to 25 years) who are still with the parents alive, receive a bonus of 12 euros. The benefits for children between 6 and 13 years increase less: one euro per month.

Changes since December 2020: More transparency in the purchase of real estate

Also in the Real estate there are numerous Changes as of December 1, 2020. This applies to both owners and Homeowner and stakeholders. On the one hand, the changes Purchase of real estate paying the Brokerage commission.

So far they have Buyers 100 percent of the real estate agent’s commission paid for a property. That will change as of December 23, 2020. “The costs to be paid by the buyer should only be a maximum of 50 percent of the total brokerage fee, ”reports the federal government online. Also, the buyer must have a Property in the future you will only be obliged to pay your share of Provision to pay when the Seller has already done this. At the national level regulation according to the federal government, the purchase of the property more legally secure and transparent do.

Changes from December 2020: New Law for Apartment Owners – Old Law dates from 1951

TO Apartments says since December 1, 2020: The review Apartment Modernization Law (WEMoG) enters into force. “The Condominium Law comes from the Year 1951. With the […] The bill approved by the Cabinet must be adapted to the needs of the 21st century, ”said the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection. Christine Lambrecht. Structural measures, for example to energy renovation, should be simplified. According to the federal government, apartment owners and renters receive a Legal claim on the installation of a charging device for an electric vehicle. On top of that, “every apartment owner can have a Fiber optic connection with large capacity. “

Rubriklistenbild: © picture alliance / Oliver Berg / dpa
