Hartz 4, speed limit and more benefits for kids: SPD makes big promises


The SPD is setting the pace: it is the first party to present an almost finished electoral program. With the end of Hartz, confidence should return.

  • This year the general elections will be held: the SPD is already in electoral mode
  • To make Olaf Scholz chancellor, the party attracts with numerous promises
  • Hartz IV, Child Benefit, Minimum Wage, Speed ​​Limit, and Spousal Separation – We Take a Look at the SPD Choice Program

the SPD moves towards him with the promise Election campaign of the Bundestag, in an electoral victory the Hartz IV– replace basic security with a new citizen benefit. “The money of the citizens must ensure that a broken washing machine or a new winter jacket does not become an unbearable burden,” says the draft of the party leadership for it. electoral program the Social Democrats, before our editorial team.

According to the will of the SPD, the state should no longer be fundamentally suspicious of Hartz IV beneficiaries in terms of basic security and systematically seek rule violations, but rather act as a “social state that provides support and is close to the people.” on an equal footing with those affected. The planned Burgergeld Include duties to cooperate, but always rely on help and encouragement.

SPD: Unworthy Hartz Reforms Must Be Abolished

“Meaningless and unworthy Sanctions Let’s get rid of it, ”says the 48-page draft. Citizen money should be able to be requested digitally and easily. By moving away from Hartz IV, the SPD hopes to regain lost credibility as a workers’ party.

Hartz’s labor market reforms introduced more than 15 years ago by then-SPD Chancellor Gerhard Schröder greatly increased Germany’s international competitiveness, according to economists. Hartz trashed the party internally, and many voters rejected it as a result.

Background and current reports on Hartz IV:

In the case of government involvement, the Social Democrats want to back the citizen allocation with comprehensive state offerings to ensure a better work-life balance and improve children legally and financially.

Also, the SPD wants one new basic benefits for children introduce and the Eliminate tax deductions for children. In addition to the free infrastructure for children, such as free childcare, full-time schools and free trips on local transport, there will be a new “Child Benefit with Living Wages”, which summarizes all previous family benefits and is classified according to income . parental.

The SPD wants to get the children out of Hartz IV

“We are making life easier for families who have it especially difficult,” announced the SPD. Monthly Basic quantity must be 250 euros per child, the maximum amount of 528 euros (depending on the age and income of the child). “The new child benefit replaces the child allowance and groups together the previous benefits.”

Parents should be entitled to two weeks of “couple time” immediately after the birth of a child, who is socially protected by the state. Furthermore, parental allowance should be a “Acute parental benefit” be expanded. Read here: Corona child bond: when does the money arrive?

In addition, the extended right to sick days for children during the corona pandemic should be applied permanently for 20 days a year per parent, “with more than two children, a maximum of 90 days per parent couple or single parent” . Caregivers should be entitled to 15 months of wage replacement benefits.

The SPD wants to increase the minimum wage to “at least 12 euros”

Legal minimum salary wants to raise the SPD to “at least 12 euros”.

  • In addition, the scope of the minimum wage commission, which periodically decides on increases in the lower limit of wages, should be extended for future increases.
  • Midi-Jobs – with low income between 450 and 1300 euros per month – should be better. “In order to increase the net income of low-income people, we are increasing the slip zone for midi jobs to 1,600 euros.”
  • In this area, women workers would pay lower contributions without having a lower right to a pension.

Read here: Members, ministers, goals: the most important facts about the SPD

The draft of the program was prepared by the dual leadership of the SPD Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans together with the candidate for chancellor and finance minister Olaf Scholz. After a month-long participation process with the party base, this Monday it will be discussed in the party executive for the first time.

The SPD is the first party to present a “government program” seven months before the elections. Finally, it will be decided at a digital party congress in May. Changes are expected until then. Read here: Super Election Year 2021: These are the dates at a glance

SPD wants to get involved in the separation of the spouse

If the government participates again after the federal elections, the SPD wants Separation from spouse for newly contracted marriages. Currently, the tax law is consolidating the classic division of labor between men and women, the split of the spouses no longer reflects social reality, according to the draft of the party leadership for the electoral manifesto.

The beneficiaries of spousal separation are primarily high-income single-wage couples regardless of the number of children: “We will change that for newly contracted marriages and introduce the right to vote for existing marriages.”

In 1997 suspended by the Federal Constitutional Court for incorrect valuation bases Health tax wants to re-enforce the SPD. This would give countries more power to invest and very wealthy citizens should contribute more to the community. “That is why, among other things, we will introduce a moderate and uniform tax rate of one percent for very high assets,” according to information from Funke in the 48-page draft. At the same time, high bonuses are provided so that the tax burden is concentrated on especially wealthy sectors of the population.

The “corporate base” must be free of wealth tax so as not to endanger jobs.

Furthermore, the SPD wants Raise the maximum tax rateIn order to alleviate the middle and low income for tax purposes of the additional income. Finance Minister Scholz confirmed this in an interview a few days ago. The election program does not yet contain specific information on tax increases. This should only change after Easter, when Scholz presents calculated concepts.

SPD calls for a speed limit of 130 on freeways

To curb excess pay in the economy, the Social Democrats want to limit the tax deduction for managers’ salaries to 15 times the average income of employees in the company where the top manager works. Basically, the SPD criticizes an “extremely unequal distribution of income and wealth.” This is not only socio-politically questionable, but also economically unreasonable.

There is also a strong emphasis on the manifesto of the Social Democrats Climate protection and sustainability. So the SPD wants to participate in the government 130 speed limit Enter kilometers per hour on motorways in Germany. “This protects the environment and significantly reduces the number of accidents.” This is how the SPD wants to radiate, confront the Greens on climate policy and lead the way towards a “Climate neutral Germany” speed up.

The SPD requires that at least 15 million fully electric cars be on the roads by 2030. Green electricity rate, with which each electricity customer pays for the expansion of renewables, will be phased out in 2025. Thereafter, the costs of the EEG surcharge will be paid from the federal budget with revenue from the CO2 rate introduced earlier of this year.

Solar system on all roofs of schools and supermarkets.

With a solar offensive, all suitable roofs of public buildings, as well as new commercial buildings, must get a solar system. “Our goal is a solar system in all supermarkets and schools.” The SPD clearly rejects a possible partial privatization of the state-owned Deutsche Bahn. “We will keep them as an integrated group.”

Scholz had already been proclaimed a candidate for chancellor in August 2020. In Scholz hike So far, the SPD has not appeared at the polls. In a recent poll by the Wahlen research group, the party has risen slightly to 16 percent. The party leadership is confident that Scholz will be able to catch up a lot if voters become more aware of the chancellor’s imminent departure: “Olaf Scholz is the right man for the post-Merkel era.”

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