Halvor Egner Granerud scores against Kamil Stoch


The third competition of the Four Hills Tournament in Innsbruck was turbulent.

As former leader Halvor Egner Granerud and pursuer Karl Geiger collided and fell back, the Poles around Kamil Stoch triumphed. “King Kamil” is close to the third overall victory after his victory in Innsbruck, which Granerud obviously did not like at all (Four Hills Tournament: Innsbruck Results).

‘Terribly annoying’: Granerud pushes Stoch

“I have the feeling that the conditions for the whole tour were favorable for the Poles. It was terribly upsetting to see the victorious Kamil again,” the Norwegian told the Norwegian television channel after his 15th place. TV2.

The Poles were “definitely more fortunate than me”, “but today they were also more fortunate than the violinists.”

Third after three competitions, Granerud (789.3 points) is at least still on the podium, but he is 20.6 points behind Stoch (809.9).

Granerud: Stoch “unstable”

In the middle, defending champion Dawid Kubacki (794.7) is another Pole, Geiger (785.2) and Markus Eisenbichler (776.5) follow (overall ranking of the 2020/21 Four Hills Tournament).

Granerud still believes in his chances of overall victory, because Stoch is “so unstable”, joked the World Cup leader (ski jumping: World Cup results).

Granerud: “Boiled emotions”

The 24-year-old later relativized his statements on Twitter. “I was frustrated with my result and still am,” Granerud wrote.

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Emotions “boil”. He considers rival Stoch “still one of the greats.”
