Halle: The police are chasing this child hunter | Regional


Halle – Two runners (22, 45) pulled a girl (6) out of the hall on Sunday morning in Halle, preventing her from drowning in the freezing water. The Public Ministry is now certain: previously there was a crime.

Because before the boy was rescued around 8:30 a.m., according to the prosecutor, witnesses saw a man carrying the boy in his arms through the city center on Sunday. Now two ghost images of him have been created. Police believe the six-year-old was kidnapped.

The suspected hijacker is described below:

► Apparent age of 20 to 40 years

► medium size

► Light skin tone

► short hair on the sides, red hair on top (possibly colored)

► easy X-shaped march

► no abnormalities on the face such as beard, glasses or tattoos

► Dressed at the time of the crime in a dark jacket with a wine red-gray hood, extra-long dark pants dragging on the ground, yellow-blue handkerchief with an emblem at the end of the handkerchief, dark-colored backpack

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The kidnapper looks like this in the second ghost.


But why did the police make two ghost images?

“The witnesses had different perceptions, they described the man differently,” a police spokeswoman Ulrike Diener told BILD. However, witnesses apparently agreed that the stranger was carrying the child most of the time. Diener: “You passed the city center, the market square to the Saale.”

The girl wore greyish beige pajamas with animal motifs and purple stockings.

No investigation against brokers

The prosecutor emphasized that the two brokers were not being investigated. Prosecutor Klaus Wiechmann also said: “There are also no suspicions against the girl’s parents. They immediately denounced the disappearance of the child. “

The two men had rescued the girl from the hallway around 8:30 a.m. after hearing the girl’s cries for help. The parents had previously reported that the girl had disappeared.

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Investigators are brought aboard by a water police boat, who search the Saale Bank for traces of the water.

Photo: Thilo Scholtyseck

The research team “Elsa” asks for help

Who can provide information on the identity or whereabouts of the unknown person? Who saw the man and boy together on Sunday morning in the center of Halle?

Notes to: Tel. 0345 / 224-1291
