Gyms Stay Closed, Tattoo Studios Open | – News – Lower Saxony


As of May 15, 2020, 2:53 p.m.

NDR 1 Lower Saxony

Gyms should be closed due to a high risk of infection with the coronavirus. (Image of the subject)

The Upper Administrative Court of Lower Saxony in Lüneburg (OVG) ordered the gyms to be closed during the crown pandemic. Legally confirmed A gym operator had contacted the OVG in a so-called urgent rule control procedure to take action against state government regulation on the closure of fitness studios. She had based herself on her concept of distance and hygiene and demanded the same treatment with hairdressing salons and restaurants, as well as with professional and high-level athletes. However, the OVG rejected the request. As a result, all gyms in Lower Saxony must remain closed, with the exception of one gym in Bad Iburg (Osnabrück district).



Hi lower saxony

May 12, 2020 7:30 p.m.

Hi lower saxony

Despite Corona, restaurants and hairdressers are allowed to reopen. A gym in Bad Iburg now too. But why only this? Questions to Claudia Schröder from the crisis department of the state government.
Video (06:39 min)

No decision on the gym in Bad Iburg yet

The studio operator Bad Iburger had submitted his urgent request to the Osnabrück Administrative Court. That was decided Monday in his direction, whereupon the gym has reopened since Tuesday. The country has filed an appeal against this decision. According to an OVG spokesperson, the files for this procedure have not yet reached OVG, so there is still no decision in this case. When this would fall, he could not say Friday at the request of

Tattoo studios may reopen

In another proceeding, the OVG decided that tattoo studios can be reopened immediately. According to the Ministry of Health, the OVG did not consider the differentiation of regulation in the area of ​​services related to the body to be permissible. Because hairdressers and beauticians have been able to receive clients again for almost two weeks. The OVG did not recognize any reason why this should not apply to tattoo studios as well.

05/15/2020 02:12 p.m.

Editor’s Note: In an earlier version of this article, we mistakenly reported that the gym in Bad Iburg had to close again after OVG’s decision. A decision is still pending. The current procedure was about the urgent procedure of another gym operator.

Additional Information

The country wants to challenge a ruling by the Osnabrück administrative court in favor of a gym. The judges had allowed Bad Iburger Studio to open despite Corona’s requirements. (May 13, 2020)

Sitting in the cafeteria, going to the museum or the zoo: Lower Saxony practices the distance and the mask in the new daily life of a crown. A massive test is now underway in the slaughterhouses.

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05/15/2020 | 12:00 o’clock

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