Greens and CDU agree – SWR Aktuell


The Greens and the CDU met on Saturday to set the course for a new green-black coalition. Now both parties have agreed on a common document as the basis for a future government.

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The Greens team around Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann reached an agreement with the CDU leadership around Thomas Strobl in Stuttgart during a final exploratory meeting. A document was voted on that should serve as the basis for coalition negotiations. In a final joint press release, Kretschmann spoke of a “real new beginning.” The green politician admitted that there were great concerns in his party against a relaunch of the green-black coalition: “We are not just a club.”

1,000 wind turbines and a solar obligation in Baden-Württemberg

Kretschmann announced that the new coalition would implement an ambitious climate protection program that does not exist in other federal states. They want to make Baden-Württemberg the “climate protection state” in Germany. Home builders should expect solar power in new private buildings. In addition, up to 1,000 new wind turbines will be built onshore and in the state forest.

Climate, structural change and social cohesion

He named the economic structural shift toward digitization and decarbonization as the second major issue. Third, the next legislative period will try to strengthen cohesion in society and defend democracy against populism and authoritarian thinking. CDU country chief Thomas Strobl said the Greens had “run into open doors” with their climate protection plans in the Union. The following applies to this coalition: “We want to do a lot for the climate in good weather.” You want to be a consensus coalition that finds good compromises.

Concessions in climate protection

Shortly before the match, both sides expressed their confidence that they could make a good start again despite the great doubts about the green base. “We really didn’t make the decision easy for us. Now we have it clear,” said Oliver Hildenbrand, manager of Green Country, before the meeting at the House of Architects. When asked if the Union now had to make major concessions, he said the Greens had made their expectations on exploration clear. “The CDU has promised to release the brakes.” Now we have to act “strongly” when it comes to climate protection, for example.

BW-CDU accepts the agreement

The CDU in Baden-Württemberg approved with a large majority the exploratory document drawn up with the Greens for the coalition negotiations in the evening. “There was only approval,” said state chairman Thomas Strobl of the German press agency in Stuttgart after a change in the union’s commissions and mandate holders in the Bundestag, Landtag and the European Parliament. There was no criticism of previous deals with the Greens around Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann.

Criticisms of the SPD and FDP

SPD state chair Andreas Stoch describes the renewed green-black coalition on Twitter as a five-year “lockdown” for Baden-Württemberg:

+++++ HOT NEWS ++++++++ Kretschmann opts for a tough blockade for Baden-Württemberg! The # GrünSchwarz decision is a 5-year lockdown on political formation and the Greens’ disclosure oath. Because a single “green” wants that.

The chairman of the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament, Hans-Ulrich Rülke, commented: “The essential results emerging here amount to declaring your own identity bankrupt.” For example, the planned solar requirement for all new private buildings and roof renovations is “a top-tier cost turbo for home builders” and also affects tenants in the home stock.

Praise of Laschet

The leader of the CDU, Armin Laschet, has welcomed the agreement on the negotiations of the green-black coalition in Baden-Württemberg. “The decision to renew the coalition of the Greens and the CDU in Baden-Württemberg is a good sign,” Laschet said in Berlin on Saturday. The goal of protecting the climate and preserving biodiversity is important for a sustainable future. “Combining this with maintaining industrial jobs and participating in the transformation of the automotive industry offers the opportunity for innovation and can shape the whole of Germany,” Laschet emphasized. The commitment to a generational budget policy, a clear course in internal security and in the fight against populism and extremism served to hold society together, Laschet said. This also applies to the goal of a humanitarian refugee policy with the perspective of staying for the well integrated.

JU: “The end result is a good solution”

Junge Union Stuttgart district president Thrasivoulos Malliaras said a new green-black alliance would be a good solution for the country as a whole. The CDU’s “historic electoral debacle” should not “just be set aside.” That is why his youth organization is calling for “extensive new appointments at the top of the party and the parliamentary group.” “In particular, the appointment of ministries should no longer be an automatism. It is time to give the reins to young faces ”.

Satisfied economy

The Baden-Württemberg business associations welcomed the agreement on the coalition negotiations between the Greens and the CDU, but expect a new impetus from the continuation of the alliance. The challenges facing the state call for “an ambitious and coordinated policy that focuses on investments rather than beneficiaries,” said Rainer Dulger, President of Entrepreneurs of Baden-Württemberg (UBW) in Stuttgart on Saturday. . The focus should be on education, infrastructure, energy supply, promoting innovation and reducing red tape. Dulger certified that the previous coalition was “fact-oriented government work” that was solution-oriented.

The president of Crafts Day, Rainer Reichhold, spoke in a similar direction. “Now we need a state government capable of acting quickly with a boarding plan for Baden-Württemberg,” he said in a statement. A central theme is the strengthening of training and higher education.

Much headwind for green-black

In the run-up to their decision to form a coalition with the CDU, the Greens faced many headwinds: for example, there was criticism from “Fridays For Future” climate protectors and Green Youth. The Baden-Württemberg SPD and the FDP were also disappointed:

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Kretschmann had to explain

Kretschmann, his exploratory group and the Greens’ state executive committee had spoken again for hours on Good Friday to discuss the Maundy Thursday dispute. Kretschmann had to persuade Green-Black on the state board of the Greens. The 72-year-old said Saturday that he had not threatened to resign when the board of directors called for a stoplight, “not even a clue.” If something like that knocks you out, “then it would have been better to retire.”


Winfried Kretschmann (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa | Christoph Schmidt)

Hoping for a more docile CDU: Prime Minister Kretschmann had to persuade Green-Black on the state board of the Greens.

Numerous committee members had initially turned against the recommendation of Kretschmann and the exploration team on Thursday to meet with the CDU. Instead, they wanted a semaphore with SPD and FDP. Only after a long break did the board approve Kretschmann’s request that night.

Coalition negotiations should conclude in May

Coalition negotiations should start after Easter. The Greens and the CDU want to vote on the outcome on May 8 at separate state party conferences. On May 12, Kretschmann wants to be elected Prime Minister for the third time. Strobl was sure the CDU would like the result too. In terms of content, the CDU and the Greens have “three-quarters” similarities, with one-eighth of each having special concerns on both sides.
