Government urges vigilance: Germany in major phase of pandemic


As Germany heads into the cold season, corona cases continue to rise. Munich again prohibits contacts. The chancellor and the country’s leaders will soon also discuss new measures.

In view of the increasing number of corona infections, the federal government has called for “the highest level of awareness.” “Currently there are more and more infections and transmissions within Germany,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert. Politicians and citizens would now have it in their hands “if the number of infections spreads out of control again.” Germany is “in a phase of the pandemic in which it will be decided how we are going to enter these winter and autumn months.” At the same time, there is a significantly higher infection rate in neighboring countries.

After consultations with the Crown Cabinet between the responsible ministers and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Seibert stressed that, in addition to meeting hygiene requirements, “great caution” should be exercised in subsequent opening steps. The goal remains to be able to understand and interrupt the chains of infection. It is clear that from a certain number of daily infections this can hardly be achieved or no longer. A realigned strategy planned for crown testing in the fall and winter should be ready for implementation by October 15.

Next week, Merkel wants to consult with the federal states again on measures to counter the growing number of infections. In her meeting with the heads of state chancelleries, Chancellor Helge Braun announced a video conference between the chancellor and the prime minister for September 29, she said. The background is the disturbing fact that several large cities have exceeded the important limit of 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants in one week. In addition, there is a diffuse spread of Corona in several places in Germany without a clear location of the outbreak being recognized.

Fever Clinics and Rapid Tests

The new strategy should include fever clinics and rapid tests in care centers. Health Minister Jens Spahn has now specified the plans: “It’s about having an infrastructure that ensures that people don’t get infected in the waiting room. That makes sense for Corona and also with the flu and a possible wave of flu, “Spahn said. The CDU politician spoke of “specialized consultation hours”, “specialized practices” and “regional fever clinics” that patients with corresponding symptoms should be able to attend in the future.

Spahn had previously told the “Rheinische Post” that he relied on the mandatory health insurance physician associations to offer such “fever clinics” on site. “Conceptually, they already exist, ideally they should be widely accessible in the fall.” Additionally, rapid tests will become part of the new testing strategy because they are now qualitatively better as well. According to Spahn, visitors to nursing homes, for example, could be screened quickly to find a result directly.

Munich reintroduces contact blocking

The situation in Munich, for example, is particularly worrying because no place, such as a school or a festival, is responsible for the increase, but infections occur in different groups. In Munich, the last seven-day incidence was 55.9 and therefore well above the critical value of 50. There is concern that infection chains can no longer be traced and that the virus is becoming spreading across the country from Munich. Therefore, the Bavarian capital once again restricts public life.

As a general rule, only five people can gather as of Thursday, private celebrations are limited, and a mask is required for some public places, as the city’s crisis team decided Monday. CSU chief Markus Söder wants all access points in the Bavarian Crown to be mandatory in public spaces; in addition to Munich, Würzburg would currently be affected. On Tuesday, the Bavarian cabinet should advise on possible additional measures, such as a ban on alcohol in public places or shorter lockdown times. Söder said he was more concerned about private parties at this time.

The number of infections is also increasing in Berlin. The Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district is currently of particular concern. There, the seven-day incidence was 48.7 and therefore exceeds the critical limit of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. “The pace of new infections is accelerating,” said health senator Dilek Kalayci according to the “Tagesspiegel.” You are concerned that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of contact chains.
