Government Poll – Chancellor’s Hour – Politics


A few months ago Angela Merkel was considered a model of political elimination. That changed with Corona. The CDU can be happy that it does not yet have a new boss. You should be able to measure yourself with Merkel by now.

In his autobiography, Tony Blair described the route to Question Time in the British Parliament as a walk to the scaffold. the Prime Minister’s Questions Blair thought that the most stressful moments of his time as head of government were. Even today, every Wednesday at 11:57 a.m. “A chill runs down his back.” At that time they always picked him up for question time. This Wednesday afternoon, Angela Merkel had to face the interrogation of the Bundestag. Little is known about when the chancellor will tremble. But it is true that this would not have been necessary due to this Question Time.

After almost 15 years in the Chancellery, Merkel is so deep on the issues that she can speak to almost everyone. And because of the format of the survey (each MEP calls a new topic, there is almost no follow-up), the Chancellor can easily walk away from where it should be difficult. Were all crown containment measures really proportional? Why is the tracking application delayed? Are the costs of the crisis fairly distributed? Did the prime ministers put the chancellor on the cat’s table? Merkel could have been caught up in all these problems. But parliamentarians let them escape. Of course, that was also due to the format of the survey, but that’s exactly why its rules need to be urgently changed.

In a way, the poll was also a symbol of the situation Merkel finds herself in at the moment. A few months ago, many considered it outdated. Union parties were well below 30 percent in the polls, the Greens were almost on par. And CSU chief Markus Söder called for new ministers so that at least Merkel’s team radiates some freshness. Now Merkel is suddenly the chancellor of the hour. At the end of Question Time in the Bundestag there was even applause. And even Horst Seehofer and Markus Söder, Merkel’s toughest opponents in the refugee dispute, praise the chancellor’s work.

The German presidency of the EU begins in a few weeks, giving Merkel more opportunities to shine. And with the end of the Council Presidency on New Year’s Eve, the election year will begin. According to all that can be said today, Merkel will achieve her goal and experience the end of the legislative period in the Chancellery. A second wave of infections or a large increase in the unemployment rate could turn a lot again. But the Social Democrats have enough state support to not allow the government to explode in such exceptional situations.

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In any case, at the CDU they can be happy that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer did not surrender as party leader two months earlier. So the new CDU president would have been elected before the shutdown, and would have to fight for attention in the shadow of the resurgent chancellor. Due to crown requirements, Kramp-Karrenbauer’s successor will only be decided in December. The agreement between the CDU and CSU on a candidate for chancellor has been postponed at least until then. The newcomer, the women are not in the race, she will only have to face Merkel for a few more months.

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