Göttingen: Investigations against police officers continue | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 09/21/2020 8:30 am – NDR 1 Lower Saxony

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The video on the case of alleged police violence quickly spread on the Internet.

Göttingen police spoke yesterday about an alleged case of police violence. This is a video clip on the Internet that shows a policeman hitting a young man in the face. You know which officer hit there, and this police officer is now under investigation, Inspection Chief Thomas Rath said. For reasons of neutrality, the Hildesheim police are investigating the case.

VIDEO: A policeman from Göttingen beats a 19-year-old boy (1 min)

What happened was broadcast live on the Internet.

Rath went on to say that the hit was not excusable, even in a stressful situation. But he also referred to the special circumstances of the case. According to Rath, the event unfolded as follows: Police were called to the Holtensen district last Thursday due to a public disturbance. Four policemen arrived and allowed them to enter the apartment of a 19-year-old young man. What they did not know: the young man was away from home on an Internet video platform. Then everything was filmed and broadcast live on the network. This is how the chat participants also saw the blow he hit the 19-year-old’s face.

“Humanly explainable, but not acceptable”

What the video doesn’t show, however, is the 19-year-old’s highly aggressive behavior, according to Rath. He also insulted the police in the worst possible way. A colleague’s hand slipped. “That can be explained in human terms, but of course we cannot accept it, and it is not appropriate either,” Rath said. Depending on whether there is an accusation and possibly a conviction, this can also have legal consequences. Meanwhile, the 19-year-old is also under investigation, among other things for insulting officials.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/21/2020 | 8:00 am

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