Gorleben: Layer on the shaft, but unanswered questions | NDR.de – news


Status: 09/28/2020 9:15 PM – Hello Lower Saxony

At 10:07 am on Monday, it became clear what the rumors had been since Sunday: Gorleben is out of the question as a location for a nuclear waste dump. That was a finding in the interim report of the Federal Association for Final Storage (BGE), which was released on Monday. “We are stumped,” said relieved district administrator Jürgen Schulz (independent) in NDR’s regional magazine Hello Lower Saxony. But there are still open questions.

VIDEO: Gorleben not suitable as a nuclear waste repository (11 min)

“No exuberant joy”

Because even if the protesters at Wendland’s staying power have apparently paid off, there are still 113 Castor containers with highly toxic nuclear waste in the so-called interim storage facility. Therefore, in addition to the pride of having prevented the repository, there is also skepticism. “There is no exuberant joy,” said Wolfgang Ehmke of the environmental protection group Lüchow-Dannenberg.


Thorsten Hapke © NDR / Michael Uphoff Photo: Michael Uphoff

Now it’s official: no final nuclear waste repository will be built at Gorleben. Thorsten Hapke, head of television programming at Lower Saxony’s state broadcaster, comments. plus

First protest in Wippingen

Further west, however, the unrest. Wippingen (Emsland district) was already in a repository raffle; At that time, more than 40 years ago, there were also massive protests in the region. Now the place with the salt dome is once again one of the 90 candidates nationwide that are pre-selected as a location according to the BGE. The protests in front of the district building began Monday, albeit with caution.

Does a moratorium help?

Jan Deters was one of the protesters 40 years ago. “That is not pleasant, we are in the same situation that we were back then,” Deters said. At Hallo Niedersachsen, he spoke in favor of a moratorium on searching for a repository due to the corona virus. Decisions must be made calmly and take time, he says.


A graphic with possible areas for nuclear repositories.

5 minutes

The Gorleben Salt Dome will not become a nuclear waste repository. Another 90 regions with favorable geological conditions are in question, including areas of northern Germany. 5 minutes

Because the Bavarian counter-criticism

Gorleben’s exclusion drew criticism from Bavaria. Prime Minister Markus Söder explicitly criticized the decision. Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) rejected the criticism. “There are no extra sausages for anyone in this selection process,” he said in Hannover on Monday. “The prerequisite for the success of this process is that everyone obey the rules and no country thinks it can escape this discussion.”

45 districts of Lower Saxony named

Of the 90 areas that, according to the report, have “favorable geological conditions for the safe final storage of radioactive waste”, 57 are totally or partially in Lower Saxony; more than 80 percent of the state’s acreage is considered “fit.” You can see if this includes your place of residence here. A total of 45 districts and urban districts are named after one or more of the subzones of Lower Saxony.


Environment Minister Olaf Lies from the SPD in a study talk.

2 minutes

Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) calls for transparent and science-based decision making when searching for a repository. You have to be prepared for a long process. 2 minutes

Schacht Konrad and Asse are also out

As well as Gorleben, the Konrad mine in Salzgitter and the ruined Asse deposit in the Wolfenbüttel district are definitely off the table as possible locations. According to the BGE, they are out of the question for the storage of highly radioactive nuclear waste. The state of Lower Saxony accompanies the search for the repository with its own Website. “At the ‘Repository Search Accompanying Forum’, citizens in particular will find important information that has not yet been intensively dealt with on the topic of repository search,” said Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD ).

Additional Information

Miners and guests walk through the old exploration mine.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Philipp Schulze

According to scientists, 90 large areas in Germany are suitable for the disposal of nuclear waste. The Gorleben Salt Dome in Lower Saxony is not included, much of northern Germany is. plus

There is a stop sign at the gateway to the ancient Gorleben Scouting Mountain.  © dpa Bildfunk Photo: Philipp Schulze

In the search for a German nuclear waste repository, the Gorleben Salt Dome was removed. A decision that was well received in many places in Lower Saxony. (28.09.2020) more

A room full of castor bean containers.

There is still a long way to go before the final decision is made on a nuclear waste dump in Germany. After the announcement of 90 subareas, the location is now shrinking even further. (28.09.2020) more

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Hello Lower Saxony | 09/28/2020 | 19:30 hours

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