Good news for parents: NRW nurseries are also free in May – Düsseldorf


Düsseldorf – To support parents during the Corona crisis, the North Rhine-Westphalia state government will also exempt childcare fees and open all-day schools during the month of May. The Family Minister Joachim Stamp (49, FDP) announced this on Monday night.

“At the same time, we are working on concepts about how we can reopen educational offerings for our children in many small steps,” said Stamp.

It is becoming increasingly burdensome for families that day care centers are closed, except for emergency care. After all: “We have expanded emergency care and as of today we have expanded it for children of working single parents,” Stamp said.

However, the all-day childcare and school offer is not available to most families. Therefore, families would be relieved of contributions for another month.

When it comes to returning to regular care, there will be different countries in the future. Stamp does not assume that children will return to daycare within a national time frame. A framework must be created “in which countries can follow their own regional rhythm and specifically by country,” he explained.
