Gesture for “Great Patriots”: Trump Passes Waiting Supporters


US President Donald Trump continues to fight the corona virus, and his doctors have now admitted that the symptoms were more severe than was initially announced. Meanwhile, Trump himself has been leaving the hospital for a few moments at least, to pay tribute to his followers.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, infected with the corona virus, paid a surprise visit to his followers outside the hospital. From a black SUV, Trump greeted his fans in Bethesda, north of Washington, as seen in a video on Twitter.

Trump was wearing a mask inside the car, in which at least two other people were sitting. In a prerecorded video message later posted on Trump’s Twitter profile, the president said, “I’m about to make a little surprise visit.” He praised the “great patriots” outside the hospital. After the short car ride, Trump returned to the clinic. In the video, Trump also revealed that he had learned “a lot” about Covid-19. His illness is “very interesting” and a “lesson” for him. And also: “I understand, and it is something very interesting, I will let you know. In the meantime, we love the United States and we love what happens,” Trump said, without making clear what he meant by that. .

Supporters started a caravan

With a car parade, Republican supporters showed their support for Trump in New York on Sunday. Images from the television station “ABC” showed cars temporarily blocking Fifth Street in front of Trump Tower near Central Park. Its drivers waved American flags and wished the president a speedy recovery. Many chanted “four more years” in hopes of a second term.

According to the report, the convoy of about 100 cars came from Suffolk County, a district in eastern New York where Trump is very popular. Only a few people wearing masks could be seen in the television pictures. The blockade in front of Trump Tower, the former residence of the president and the headquarters of his corporate empire, lasted about half an hour.

Trump has been treated for a corona infection at Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, north of Washington, since Friday night. On Sunday, his doctors said the president could return to the White House soon. Doctors admitted, however, that the president did not do well on Friday morning, contrary to claims to the contrary: Trump had had a high fever and his blood oxygen saturation had decreased. During this time they gave him oxygen.
