Germany weather strike: surprising heat change, but warnings before that


Just in time for the meteorological start of autumn: rain, fog and cold all over Germany. Summer seems to be over. The forecast for the first week of September is still surprising.

  • Wet, cold and gray: it was so Weather in Germany the last days of August this year.
  • It’s hard to believe, but that summer could be in Germany celebrate a comeback.
  • As the Weather In a second September-Half is also still exciting.

Update September 2 at 7 am: What a cloudy soup: The German Weather Service (DWD) warns of fog with visibility below 150 meters on Wednesday morning. Otherwise, prospects can spoil your mood. In the northeast and east of Germany it can rain a lot and thunderstorms. It doesn’t look better towards the Alps. Temperatures range between 17 and 23 degrees. Who in a Summer return hopes, you have to be patient a little longer. At the end of the week, the south is once again pampered by the sun. Then even temperatures of up to 28 degrees are possible. The north, on the other hand, has bad luck: it stays cool in autumn with lots of clouds and rain.

Return of the summer with up to 30 degrees: September brings the weather again for the barbecue and the bath, but not everywhere

First report of September 1, 2020

Munich: when you look out the window, you can’t believe it: yes summer has not yet fully surrendered. After the last days of August were cold, wet and gray, you can umbrella and Wellingtons it should now be saved again. In many parts Germany Bikini and swimsuit will definitely be used again. Especially In the south calculate Meteorologists again until mid september Maximum values ​​of 30 degrees. But it’s concentrated hot does not penetrate in all regions, especially in north autumn is near.

Although meteorologically the Herbst officially kicks off on September 1, it will be back above average hot and dry in the coming weeks. A extreme heat wave, like in last summer last year, but it shouldn’t be. In particular, the first two weeks of September bring some summer Temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees with himself. at south Then there’s a late-summer heat of up to 30 degrees, so it could fill up again at the popular swimming lakes and beer gardens. But then stick with these values storm do not give.

As early as next weekend, the Vacationers on the shores of northern Germany in much more rugged Weather adjust. Values ​​fall below the 20 degree mark, there are more to come Regenerate and the Wind increases. While in south the last Heat thunderstorms of the year Regenerate bring, put north Autumnal weather conditions with sometimes heavy rains. In central Germany remains of Rhineland to Brandenburg quite dry, that’s why even here Drought and drought can be expected. Even if it’s cooler in general, here we are in September Forest fire hazard therefore, it must have a particularly high rating.

Hurricanes are changing the climate in Europe: the forecast for winter remains unclear

Than Weather drift in the second half of September, there is one more surprise. Meteorologists disagree: Some meteorologists expect another brief rise in temperature from September 11, so nationally values ​​above 25 degrees, im south in some cases it could even rise to more than 30 degrees. Strong one Sturm but it could also develop in Western Europe that Germany much Rain and wind I could bring.

Long-term climate calculations suggest that temperatures are everywhere Germany it will be above average. So you could be here again with a warm winter calculate. They want to commit Meteorologists but no, the weather changes in a short period of time – just a hurricane above that North Atlantic I could already forecast the whole Europe change – and the Hurricane season it’s just beginning. (cos) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Header list image: © Lino Mirgeler / dpa
