Germany tour for corona vaccine – the great Elon Musk show – domestic politics


Actually, the parliamentary group of the Union wanted to debate yesterday on the months before the federal elections of 2021.

But one guest stole the show from the board meeting yesterday in Berlin’s Westhafen: Tesla founder Elon Musk (49).

At 2:44 pm, the black Tesla limousine arrives in front of the old warehouse in Westhaft Berlin. The rear double doors rise slowly. Musk (black suit, black face mask) sits in the rear left, pacing leisurely around the back of the car.

Nadine Schön (37, CDU), Group Vice-Leader for Family and “Digital Agenda” came out to greet them and led the guest to the stairs.

A camera crew asks from the side if his Tesla’s cameras are recording the performance and broadcasting it around the world. Musk stops. “There’s nothing to do” (This is not true), he says, visibly amused, and disappears into the conference building.

Elon Musk (m.) mit Nadine SchönPhoto: Fabian Matzerath

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Elon Musk (center) with Nadine Schön, leader of the vice-parliamentary group for the family and the “digital agenda” Photo: Fabian Matzerath

Shortly before, Chancellor Angela Merkel (66, CDU) also arrived at the Westhafen. “There is a lot going on in parallel right now,” he says upstairs in the first-floor conference room. But the guest is more important.

Auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel ist heute am Westhafen angekommenPhoto: Fabian Matzerath

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Chancellor Angela Merkel also arrived at the Westhafen todayPhoto: Fabian Matzerath

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (40, CDU) and Federal Minister of the Economy, Peter Altmaier (62, CDU) silently slip out of the room. Right next door, the leader of the parliamentary group Ralph Brinkhaus (52, CDU) welcomes the guest. Then it’s Spahn and Altmaier’s turn.

Mit einem Tesla ist Elon Musk zur Vorstands-Klausur der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gekommenPhoto: Tobias Schwarz / dpa

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Elon Musk arrived at the CDU / CSU parliamentary group board meeting with a TeslaPhoto: Tobias Schwarz / dpa

Musk spoke with Spahn and Altmaier for more than an hour. In the “Small Hall,” which is actually a medium-sized ballroom, you are seated to the left at a table with water, juice, and a thermos of coffee. When Musk gets up and tries to put his black mask back on, a gang travels. The CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt (50) can help him and quickly hands him a disposable blue mask, which the guest bravely wears in a black Tesla until he leaves.

Die blaue Wegwerfmaske musste helfenPhoto: Pool / Getty Images

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The disposable blue mask had to helpPhoto: Pool / Getty Images

At 4:18 pm Elon Musk goes downstairs in the old Westhafen warehouse, in a friendly conversation with Education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU). Behind them Altmaier, Brinkhaus and the deputies.

Elon Musk kommt die große Treppe im alten Westhafen-Speicher herunterPhoto: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP

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Elon Musk walks down the grand stairs of the old Westhafen warehouse Photo: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP

“Maybe we should have filled ourselves with orange juice,” Musk jokes when he arrives surrounded by bodyguards in front of the machine where his corona vaccine will be produced. In a bag hangs a pale liquid that supposedly shows the genetic material of the coronavirus, which is processed by magnets in the reactor. The orange juice would have done more.

Der Tesla-Chef vor der Maschine, in der sein Corona-Impfstoff produziert wirdPhoto: Tobias Schwarz / dpa

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Tesla’s boss in front of the machine in which his corona vaccine is producedPhoto: Tobias Schwarz / dpa

Musk makes no secret of the fact that he would like to market the corona vaccine that CureVac is developing around the world and produce it locally with his Tesla Grohmann machines. If he wants to buy the recently acquired shares in the federal government’s Tübingen-based company, as insiders speculate, the billion-dollar investor cannot look at his cards.

Men in Black: Elon Musk steigt aus einem Tesla ausPhoto: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP

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Men in Black: Elon Musk gets out of a TeslaPhoto: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP

It’s also unclear whether the federal government would sell out if Musk promised full supplies for Germany. Because the state’s entry into CureVac was actually a strategic investment by the federal government to no longer depend on foreign companies in future crisis.

Economy Minister Altmaier also talks to Musk about potential multi-billion dollar investments, as BILD found out: autonomous driving, space travel, battery production. Germany rolls out the red carpet for the billionaire.

Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier im Gespräch mit Elon MuskPhoto: Michael Wittig

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Economy Minister Altmaier in conversation with Elon MuskPhoto: Michael Wittig

Only with Chancellor Musk did he exchange a word that day, as if he was avoiding him, test participants say. He will still be in Germany for a few days, Musk says when he leaves. “Enjoy the good weather,” laughs the leader of the Brinkhaus parliamentary group.

Outside a dark downpour falls as the guest gets into the car under wide umbrellas.
