Germany is vaccinating against Corona: now we need absolute transparency about side effects


opinion Germany vaccine against Corona

Now we need absolute transparency about side effects.

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo of the author Photo session NEW DIE WELT 27.09.-07.10.2016 Pia Heinemann Photo: Claudius Pflug

101 year old Saxony-Anhalt was the first to receive the corona vaccine in Germany

In Halberstadt, in Saxony-Anhalt, vaccinations started one day before the official start. At a senior center, Edith Kwoizalla, 101, and 40 other residents after her were vaccinated against the corona virus.

Vaccinations against the corona virus have finally started in Germany. However, so far, many German citizens are not convinced that they really want the injection. Only absolute transparency helps against skepticism about vaccination.

medith Kwoizalla is the first person in Germany to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The 101-year-old lady from Halberstadt stoically endured the vaccine. Now it has become the new model for fighting pandemics in this country. In the coming months everyone who wants to get vaccinated one by one. If all goes well, Christmas and New Year’s Eve could once again be celebrated on a grand scale, with friends and family, with banquets and parties. If 60 percent of Germans follow Edith Kwoizalla, everything could be fine again.

One can forgive the fact that the senior center in Saxony-Anhalt started like this one day before the agreed vaccination appointment. The vaccine and a vaccination team were there, the elders and nurses were ready, so what are you waiting for?

In fact, every day now counts. Because every day more than ten thousand people are infected in Germany and hundreds die from Covid-19 every day. If something is to return to normal in the next year, then all available vaccine doses should be vaccinated as quickly as possible.

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But one thing is also clear: many people are skeptical about vaccination. The very fast approval of the active ingredients and the new production method make many doubt. Are they the most privileged first to be vaccinated, or are they just guinea pigs? After all, there were already the first serious side effects against the Biontech-Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. From Texas, USA, the first clinics are already reporting that they cannot get their doses of vaccine to men, also because a large part of the medical staff refused.

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So far, vaccination is the only means that seems possible to stop the pandemic. To dispel fears and mistrust of the active principle, health authorities are now being asked that: Monitoring vaccination and possible side effects is essential. How often is there really redness and pain at the injection site? How often do people who have been vaccinated have pain in their limbs or even a fever? Who and how often do allergic reactions occur? Are they life threatening? And: does the vaccine really protect against an infection or only against the severe course of the disease?

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There are still many unanswered questions, and that is exactly what you need to communicate honestly. Only if the vaccination campaign is accompanied by great transparency in the coming weeks, if those responsible maintain their credibility, only then will enough people declare themselves ready for a vaccination.

So far there is only the SafeVac 2.0 app from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, in which vaccinated people can voluntarily enter side effects. But there is no central and serious registry.

But who enters and where if Edith Kwoizalla or other elderly people have side effects or long-term effects? Who cares when mobile vaccination teams have been moved or vaccination centers are dismantled? The same vaccinated? Family doctors? The general description necessary for the acceptance of vaccination and, therefore, for a rapid end to the pandemic is missing.
