German reactions to Trump: “This is really undemocratic”


Politicians in Germany have accused US President Trump of undemocratic behavior. FDP leader Lindner was stunned and left-wing foreign politician Gysi also harshly criticized Trump. Vice Chancellor Scholz had a clear demand.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, claims electoral victory for himself before all the votes are counted; in Germany, this behavior provokes strong criticism and great concern. Politicians accused Trump of undemocratic behavior.

Trump’s claiming victory in the presidential election before all the votes are counted leads to a “critical and discouraging situation,” FDP leader Christian Lindner told ZDF. “This is the beginning of a dramatic conflict situation in American democracy with unforeseeable consequences not only for the American people, but beyond, also for the world, and therefore also for us in Europe,” Lindner warned.

Breaking with “tradition and rules”

Trump’s behavior breaks with “tradition and rules,” criticized the leader of the FDP. What Trump is doing now “exceeds what one would have thought possible a few months ago.”

Left-wing outside expert Gregor Gysi also harshly criticized Trump’s approach. “That is really undemocratic,” Gysi told ZDF. “He wants to stimulate people.” Gysi said it would be disastrous if the elections were not decided by voters but by the Supreme Court. “If it turns out that Biden has won and not him, it has already raised the spirits.”

Scholz: America must count all votes

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for all votes to be counted in the US elections. The elections had to be “held in their entirety” so that the vote of all citizens could influence the outcome, the SPD politician said. The SPD politician recalled that the elections did not end until all the votes had been counted.

FDP policy Agnes Strack-Zimmermann also reacted with concern to Trump’s announcement that a court of law would halt the counting of votes. “He is deliberately playing on an impending constitutional crisis and reactivating the foundations of American democracy,” he said. Trump apparently wants to be “elevated to office through the conservative-dominated Supreme Court.”

The head of the AfD, Jörg Meuthen, was confident that a clear result will be available on Friday. The hanging game was “unpleasant,” “but” America will survive that. “He was” irritated “by Trump’s behavior after the election.

Not prepared for a Trump victory

A victory for Donald Trump in the presidential election in the United States would catch Germany off guard, according to foreign CDU politician Norbert Röttgen. “We are not prepared for it,” said Röttgen, who is also applying for the CDU presidency. If Trump remained president for another four years, there would be an increase in everything that was experienced in the first term. “It makes a difference if you surprisingly question NATO for four years or if that happens for eight years,” he said in the ARD.

The result of the elections in the United States is currently open. Trump and Biden are in a head-to-head race. In the morning, Trump confirmed all the fears that he claimed the electoral victory prematurely and wants to go to the Supreme Court of the country for the vote count.

Before Trump’s announcement, Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had also spoken: “We will have to prepare for an unsafe situation,” she said on ntv, referring to the narrow result of the elections. The Minister of Economy, Peter Altmaier, also feared “that if the result is adjusted it will continue to be discussed for a long time.”

The leader of the Greens, Robert Habeck, the foreign politician of the FDP Alexander Graf Lambsdorff and the leader of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, who even spoke of possible “chaos”, made similar statements. Mützenich advocated a greater decoupling between Europe and the United States. “There are voices that must be taken seriously in Europe, also, that we have to disassociate ourselves more from what is happening in the United States. And I am one of those voices,” Mützenich said in the ARD. Concerns that the United States may leave NATO will remain if Trump wins the election. “You have to take it seriously.”

Greens with a “nauseous feeling”

Environmental leaders Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock also reacted with concern to a possible confirmation of US President Trump in office. “If Trump wins that, a tipping point will be crossed and the global order will fundamentally change,” Habeck warned on RTL and n-tv. “Trumpism is stronger than we thought and it is not going away either.”

Baerbock told ZDF that in light of the results in the United States, he had a “nauseous feeling.” Now it is important “that no one declares himself president, even if the votes have not yet been counted,” he said. Courts and other institutions should now “do their job and make sure the last vote by mail is counted,” demanded Baerbock.

Former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel also warned of a power vacuum in the United States. If the United States were busy with itself for months and without clear guidance, it would be a “big problem,” he told ZDF. “That will please those who want to fill the void. These are China, Russia, Turkey.” Unfortunately, Europe is too weak to do that, Gabriel said.

The special broadcast on the US elections on November 4 at 9 am and NDR Info on November 3, 2020 at 7:38 am reported on this topic.
