German Hospital Society: “Highly alarmed without being agitated”


1200 intensive care beds are occupied, around 8000 are still free; therefore, the German Hospital Society sees Germany well prepared for the increasing number of corona infections. However, your manager asks for caution.

According to the German Hospital Association, clinics in Germany are well equipped for a further increase in the number of corona infections.

The managing director of the German Hospital Society, Georg Baum, described the current situation as manageable despite the increasing number of infections. “Hospitals are very alarmed without being agitated,” Baum told the “Mannheimer Morgen.”

1200 intensive care beds occupied, 8000 free

There are currently more than 8,000 free intensive care beds, and another 10,000 beds could be freed up by postponing unnecessary treatments. “Also, not all patients who come to the hospital with a corona infection need intensive medical treatment,” Baum said.

According to Baum, 6,000 patients are currently being treated in hospitals for Covid-19, around 1,200 of whom are in the intensive care unit. “The capabilities will be sufficient for a long time before it becomes questionable,” Baum said with conviction. Overall, Baum sees Germany as well prepared: “Our healthcare system is working better in the world when it comes to coping with the pandemic.”

Responsibility of each individual

In order for the situation not to spiral out of control in the coming weeks and months, a lot of caution and a willingness for action is required. Everyone must take preventive measures for themselves. Unnecessary contacts should be avoided.

According to the intensive care registry of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (Divi), the number of corona patients receiving intensive care treatment in Germany has doubled. Ten days earlier, 602 patients had been treated in intensive care. Of the current 1,203 intensive care patients infected with the coronavirus, 533 receive invasive ventilation. This corresponds to a 44 percent stake. This was 55 more than on Friday. Ten days earlier, there were 323 ventilated patients.

In recent days, the number of new infections had risen to new highs, most recently almost 15,000 on Saturday morning.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 24, 2020 at 9:50 am
