German Crown access points: four districts of Berlin are now considered risk areas – Berlin


Schleswig-Holstein was the first federal state to classify Berlin’s districts as official corona risk areas. Now there are four districts that fall into this category. After Mitte, Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Tempelhof-Schöneberg followed on Monday. Anyone traveling from there to the northern state of Germany has to be quarantined at their destination for 14 days. On Friday, the state of Berlin had 339 new infections, the highest increase since the start of the pandemic.

This can be found in the “Information for domestic and foreign travelers” on the country’s website. Consequently, the four districts of Berlin, together with the cities of Hamm and Remscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia, are “internal risk areas”.

According to a federal government memorandum cited by “n-tv,” similar rules apply to domestic risk areas in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; however, Berlin is considered as a whole and not its individual districts.

Schleswig-Holstein bases this decision on information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for the so-called seven-day incidence. If there were more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district or independent city in a week, the threshold for the risk area has been exceeded.

However, there are some exceptions to the quarantine regulation in Schleswig-Holstein: it does not apply, for example, to people who have been in a risk zone for less than 48 hours. Members of the Bundestag, which is located in Berlin-Mitte, are also excluded from the regulation.

Dassel District Mayor: “The situation is really serious”

Middle District Mayor Stephan von Dassel (Greens) told Tagesspiegel on Friday: “As long as Mitte is listed separately on the RKI list, the Schleswig-Holstein decision is not implausible to me.” The decision is just one of many pieces of advice and they would all do the same means: “The situation is really dire and: it can’t go on like this,” von Dassel said.

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The main risk of infection in Mitte currently comes from the young, but recently the number of Covid-19 infections among “less robust people” has increased markedly. “The main events for us come from the young people, there are bigger private celebrations and parties in the basements, as in the past during Prohibition.” Many lack conscience, von Dassel said. “It is particularly excessive to catch up on what you had to do without in recent months.”

Most infections in the young, but also more in the elderly

If you look at the new cases by age group, it shows that the virus is not only spreading in Mitte, especially among young adults. Most of the new cases in the past seven days were among people ages 20-29. However, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were proportionally many more cases among older people in Berlin.

This could also explain why the death rate in Berlin has barely increased recently. Because in this age group there have been no fatal cases in Berlin so far. However, what is worrying is that the number of cases among those over 80 is increasing again. Steep slopes are much more likely here. The first signs are already there: intensive care beds in hospitals are now occupied again by Covid 19 patients at 3.2 percent; during the summer, this value had been a little over one percent for a long time.

2,174 active cases on Saturday: highest value since the start of the pandemic

Berlin again reported 203 new infections on Saturday after a new record of 339 new cases in one day was reported on Friday. This increased the number of actively ill people in Berlin to 2,174. That was the highest value since the start of the pandemic. On Sunday there were 2,146 active cases. As is customary over the weekend, health authorities passed fewer test results to the Senate Health Administration, while after 14 days, those who tested positive without symptoms are automatically considered recovered after the end of home isolation. No development can be derived from this observation over the weekend.

The sad leader in the seven-day incidence is Neukölln. Here 63.5 cases were reported for every 100,000 inhabitants in one week. The strict measures threshold is 50. According to Tagesspiegel’s calculations, in addition to Neukölln, Mitte, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Tempelhof-Schöneberg are above the limit. These districts are the main drivers of the increase in statistics in Berlin. Overall, the incidence for Berlin is now 38.4. In Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Lichtenberg, however, there were still relatively few new cases.

The corona traffic light remains unchanged red in the new infections category, however the traffic light for the R-value remains green. However, when calculating this value, it always takes a few days before new cases are included, so hopefully it will also increase in the next few days.

Five districts of Berlin among the ten hot spots of the German crown

Daily reflected values ​​(click here for interactive map) are consistently higher than the respective seven-day incidents in RKI’s status reports. The latest developments are only reflected there with a delay of one to two days because the RKI does not obtain the data directly from the health authorities. There are also several ways to calculate incidence.

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Corona in Ihrem Kiez. In unseren Tagesspiegel-Bezirksnewslettern berichten wir über die Krise und die Auswirkungen auf Ihren Bezirk. Kostenlos und kompakt:]

In the RKI management report on Sunday, five districts of Berlin appear among the ten largest crown hotspots in Germany. Behind Hamm and Remscheid, Mitte ranks third nationally with 57.4, followed by Neukölln with 56.5 and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg with 52.2 in four and five. At this time, Tempelhof-Schöneberg already had a seven-day incidence of 49.2 in RKI statistics (7th place), while Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf had 40.7 (10th place). On the RKI scoreboard, Tempelhof-Schöneberg was listed on Monday with 52.3, which Schleswig-Holstein took as an opportunity to also declare this district a risk area.

14 days quarantine in Schleswig-Holstein

The consequences for travelers from Berlin-Mitte, Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Tempelhof-Schöneberg who want to visit Schleswig-Holstein can be serious: they have to enter a 14-day quarantine immediately after arrival and are not allowed to receive visitors there . and must report to the local health department. However, you can shorten the quarantine with two negative corona tests. These must be separated by at least five days, and the first test result must be no more than 48 hours after entry. In case of infringement, there is a risk of a fine of up to 10,000 euros.

[Das Coronavirus in Berlin: Jeden Morgen ab 6 Uhr berichten Chefredakteur Lorenz Maroldt und sein Team im Tagesspiegel-Newsletter Checkpoint über die aktuellsten Entwicklungen. Kostenlos und kompakt:]

“The same rules apply to those who enter from risk areas in Germany as those who come from risk areas from abroad,” he says. “People arriving from risk areas in Germany are only exempt from the test requirement. They also can’t get tested for the corona virus for free, except when the health department orders a test. “

Autumn holidays in Schleswig-Holstein? At your own risk

Vacationers should know: Camps, youth hostels and all other facilities with community sanitary facilities, the use of which is unavoidable, should not be used for quarantine. “A quarantine is conceivable in a vacation apartment or a hotel room, as long as it is consistently adhered to.” However, you cannot enter the breakfast room or the restaurant of a hotel.

Will you go to the North Sea in Schleswig-Holstein and fly kites during your holidays? Berlin families may have to …Photo: David Charisins / dpa

Anyone who wants to go to the North Sea or the Baltic Sea during the autumn holidays runs the risk that the country has not imposed a “ban on accommodation,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health. But in quarantine “you may not enjoy your vacation like that.”

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania assesses risk based on situation across Berlin

A regulation similar to that of Schleswig-Holstein applies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, whereby Berlin is considered as a whole. If the seven-day incidence for the entire capital exceeds 50, this could also affect Berliners who are planning a trip to Rügen or Zingst. Also in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, there is an obligation to quarantine at home for 14 days after a stay in a risk area in Germany. It can be shortened with two negative corona tests.

[Innerdeutsche Risikogebiete: Diese Reisebeschränkungen gelten für Corona-Hotspots.]

In Rhineland-Palatinate and Berlin itself, that changed Unity Day. In the Southwest, an exemption went into effect on October 3, exempting inland areas of Germany and neighboring neighbors such as Luxembourg, Belgium and France from the quarantine rule. “We want the people of the border region to be able to continue their normal daily lives,” Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) told Tagesspiegel.

The federal capital feels the same. Anyone arriving in Berlin from an area in the interior of Germany with a higher risk of infection no longer has to be quarantined. The Senate abolished the regulation on October 3, said a spokesman for the German press agency’s health administration. The newspapers of the Funke media group had already reported on it.

The Senate could sharpen the measures of the crown

Senate spokeswoman Melanie Reinsch told Tagesspiegel on Friday: “We have taken note that Schleswig-Holstein has declared the Berlin-Mitte district and other inland regions of Germany to be risk areas. We are watching with concern the nationwide development of the growing number of infections. “

Especially in large cities, the numbers increased throughout Germany, many cities had similar or even higher incidence values ​​than Berlin, Reinsch said. “The Senate takes this development very seriously. Berlin has taken many steps to contain the pandemic, often more far-reaching than other federal states. “However, it may need to be further sharpened.

Alcohol ban and important controls?

The political discussion on this is already underway. Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) called for an overnight alcohol ban in Berlin on Saturday. In restaurants, bars, clubs and Spätis no more alcohol should be sold or served between 11 pm and 6 am You are also considering new restrictions on contact. Private gatherings could be limited to two households or five people. “The time factor is important now,” said Kalayci of the German press agency. “We don’t have time to say, let’s see. The clock is ticking. “

Falko Liecke, a CDU health advisor in badly affected Neukölln, called on the Senate to advocate for better controls in pubs. Priority missions are needed with health authorities, public order offices and the police. Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) must come up with a concept for this. In Neukölln, more than a dozen schools are also affected by corona cases and quarantine measures. Liecke announced that the quarantine measures in the school area would be tightened: if a student tested positive, the entire class would have to be quarantined for 14 days, without the possibility of being able to shorten it. The CDU politician called this the “hammer method.”
