German Bishops’ Conference: the women’s community calls for equality


The German Catholic Women’s Community (kfd) campaigned for equal rights for women in the Catholic Church at the fall plenary meeting of the German Bishops’ Conference.

Kfd Federal President Mechthild Heil presented symbolic “power meters” in the form of purple folding rulers to DBK President Georg Bätzing, as well as Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück and Bishop Michael Gerber of Fulda. “After 2000 years of church history, double standards are still being measured,” Heil said of Tuesday’s action in Fulda. “We have traveled many meters, but women are still far from where we belong.”

Like other women’s movements, the kfd calls for women to have access to all services and offices of the Catholic Church. Angelika Fromm of the “Lila Stola” campaign, a task force of the “We Are Church” reform movement, had said, “This is a vision we will abide by.

The vice president of the Central Council of German Catholics (ZdK), Claudia Lücking-Michel, also called for women to have full access to all positions in the Catholic Church. “It is about equal access for all baptized and confirmed to all positions that the Catholic Church has to offer,” the CDU politician said in the SWR on Tuesday.

“It is not about kindly accommodating women and giving them a few crumbs from the Lord’s table, but about finally recognizing that women are equal and equal members of our church, with all the rights and duties as others as well,” said Lücking- Michel. The progress is that the president of the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK), Georg Bätzing, wants to work at least for women as deacons. But that alone is not enough.

Bätzing said that he valued women who wanted to protest in Fulda and was looking for a conversation with them. On the question of equality, he feels pressure – “on the other hand, I say to myself: we can only do what we can do,” said the Bishop of Limburg. The Maria 2.0 equality movement had been harshly criticized by conservative bishops.

Icon: The mirror
