Gerhard Meir: star hairdresser found dead in apartment – people


The star Figaro Gerhard Meir has died. The Munich man died at the age of 65.

The “Abendzeitung” first reported that Meir was said to have been found dead in his apartment. It is also said that he should have had health problems.

Friends confirmed the death of the famous hairdresser to BILD. Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis was one of her most famous clients. In 1986 Meir became famous with the princess’s punk hairstyle.

1986: Durch diese Frisur wurde Meir berühmtPhoto: picture-alliance / dpa

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1986: this hairstyle made Meir famous Photo: picture-alliance / dpa

Only in late July did Meir speak to BILD about his health, saying he made his will:

“My brothers Alexander (57) and Manfred (60) said: Gerd, you will be 65 years old. If something happens to you, your name shouldn’t disappear right away. So I decided that one day the two of them would continue my business. Along with my loyal employees, ”Meir told BILD.

At the same time as his will, he extended the lease of the Munich salon on Ludwigstrasse for another five years at an early stage. “The most valuable things I have to pass on are my brand, my employees and my list of clients.”

In a BILD interview in 2018, the famous hairdresser spoke about his wishes in old age: “I dream of a second career as a winemaker. When I’m 70 “.

Meir’s medical history is long: Back then, in April 2018, Meir had a mild seizure in his salon and had previously had issues with exhaustion, strokes and heart attacks.

In 2016, after a collapse, Meir was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and had problems with his blood pressure.

The famous hairdresser Udo Walz, who knew Meir for a long time, to BILD:

“I am saddened and deeply shocked by the death of Gerhard Meir. We had known each other for 50 years and what is rare in the hairdresser: we were good friends. Gerhard was very talented, but he was always very agitated and smoked a lot. He made the whole of Munich elegant and last but not least, he gave Princess Gloria her image. I appreciated him not only as a friend but also as a colleague. And I always said to him: Gerhard, for me you are the world hair dryer champion ”.
