As of: 09/27/2020 4:21 pm – NDR 1 Lower Saxony
After last week was something of a strike test under Corona conditions, public service workers will take to the streets of Lower Saxony from Monday. All areas of the public service are affected, as said by ver.di spokesman Matthias Büschking NDR from Lower Saxony. Thousands of employees from nurseries, savings banks, water and transportation authorities will go to decentralized actions, the spokesperson said. One of the focuses on Monday is the state capital.
Administration and Üstra employees are on strike in Hannover
On the one hand, they are employees of the municipal administration. Hannover called to strike. According to information from the city council, this also affects service areas such as various citizen offices and the vehicle registration office. Ver.di has planned a protest meeting in front of the town hall at 11 am Starting Tuesday, the union will extend the protests to local public transport. Then all the Üstra buses and trams remain in the depots.
From Tuesday featured in Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg
In southern Lower Saxony, protests begin on Tuesday, with a focus on Braunschweig, Salzgitter Y Wolfsburg. According to Ver.di, employees of the energy provider BS-Energy, the Salzgitter City Council and the Wolfsburg Clinic, among others, must leave work. Employees of the employment agency in Braunschweig and Salzgitter have also announced strikes. Nurseries are not required. According to the union, bus drivers want to be in Wolfsburg, among others, Göttingen Y Osnabrück stop your work.
First ver.di campaigns in Verden and Lüneburg
The first week of the warning strike in Lower Saxony ended on Friday with a demonstration in the Lüneburg town hall. Around 350 employees had gathered in the square to demand more salaries from Mayor Ulrich Mädge (SPD), as ver.di said. Mädge leads the negotiations at the national level for the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA). Verden started on Thursday. According to ver.di, up to 150 employees stopped working there. Actions were also planned in Hildesheim.
The next round of negotiations begins at the end of October.
The union is demanding 4.8 percent more salary for the 2.3 million collective bargaining employees nationwide in the public service of the federal government and municipalities, but at least an increase of 150 euros a month. Employers have yet to submit an offer in the first two rounds of negotiations. The third round of negotiations is scheduled for October 22 and 23.
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