Friend Töpperwien describes changes in Wendler that were remarkable


Chris Töpperwien sent us this photo that we shared with Michael Wendler (left) from better times. photo: currywurstmann (private)


Chris Töpperwien after the Wendler scandal: “He has retired more and more”

Michael Wendler has shockingly announced his ending on “DSDS” and, at the same time, has spread conspiracy myths on his Instagram story. The 48-year-old said: “I accuse the federal government of gross and grave violations of the constitution regarding the alleged crown pandemic and the resulting measures.” And also: “Almost all television channels, including RTL, are accomplices, they are aligned, politically controlled.”

A short time later, Wendler’s manager, Markus Krampe, spoke about the fiasco on Oliver Pocher’s late-night show, stating: “I have to say that for me too, what I experienced here was a shock.” The whole incident is a human tragedy.

Krampe said the singer doesn’t have a large circle of friends. One of his few peers is reality star and entrepreneur Chris Töpperwien. The currywurst man, who became known through “Goodbye Germany”, speaks in an interview with Watson about the last time he and Wendler were in contact, what will become of their friendship and when the pop singer has changed.

Watson: You are friends with Michael Wendler. How do you feel about him now?

Chris Töpperwien: I am totally shocked and shocked by the news on Thursday night! In the early afternoon we had a short text message because I had congratulated him on the Kaufland commercial. However, he was very abrupt, which is not generally used with him.

How have you seen Michael Wendler lately?

I have found that he has withdrawn more and more since the end of “Let’s Dance.” Before and during “Let’s Dance” we always had regular contact, we ate breakfast together and sent each other weekly voice messages, and we also met for dinner every now and then, if we could arrange it.

How has it changed over the years?

In the summer of 2019, he was actually the “normal” Micha. I visited him in Mallorca for a few days. He is a completely different person without cameras. Many don’t even know that.

Can you explain how it got this far?

I have no idea. I think if you are fed up with a topic, and Corona is one of them, and you can find the contact or a community that represents the same opinion and then “cheer up” together, it can quickly become too emotional roller coaster and actions that they become visible that are no longer understandable to most. Michael is also a caring person who always has an open ear for many.

Can you understand the manager’s thesis that the past is the reason for his current behavior?

Michael never had it easy. He’s probably the first and only pop singer to come under such fire and observation. Markus Krampe has been your manager and business partner in the past and has only been back for over a year. Before that, I had no one to really manage it, except for a booker in Germany who coordinates the Mallorca appointments. Krampe and Micha also met in the past. But I don’t think there was something between the two that shorted Michael. There are other reasons.

You also know Laura Müller well. How do you assess the current situation for them?

I think Laura doesn’t even know what that means now. Laura has made a lot of money in a relatively short time and has received a lot of attention as a result. However, I also noticed with her that she has retired. It used to appear on my social media pages from time to time. That diminished relatively quickly during “Let’s Dance.” I honestly don’t know if it’s the success or the crowd of people who then isolate one person.

The manager said the race was over. what do you think about it?

I think both races are on hold! Making such statements moves many (business) partners to distance and separate. The announcement that he never wanted to go back to Germany is practically his professional death sentence.

Will you continue to be with them as friends?

I wrote to him late last night. Interestingly, I sent him a voicemail that afternoon, even before it all came out, asking him, “Where’s old Micha, who I smoked a cigar with on the balcony last summer?” … somehow creepy! As if suspecting something … But I hope he knows that my door is always open to him. I would like you to realize which direction you are currently in. If you want to talk, I’ll always be there. I think you need help. Even if it’s just someone who listens.

According to Wendler’s statements: Laura Müller is now apparently missing the RTL show

On Thursday night, pop singer Michael Wendler announced his “DSDS” from his Instagram account and spread the myths of the conspiracy. Since then, many important business partners have left.

The advertising video with Kaufland was removed and the sportswear brand “Uncle Sam” has distanced itself from the 48-year-old’s statements. Collaboration ended.

However, the break with RTL is particularly momentous. Michael Wendler was in the …

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