Franz Untersteller: Minister of the Green Environment caught speeding up


Franz Untersteller is in favor of a general speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour. But now the Baden-Württemberg Green Environment Minister finds himself in a sorry situation: at the end of November he was caught by the police on the Autobahn 8 at too high a speed.

Untersteller was traveling at 177 kilometers per hour. On the stretch of the motorway between Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, where he was stopped by the police, only 120 speed was allowed. The Ministry confirmed the incident reported by the daily “Bild”. The minister emphasized Wednesday: “I’m sorry.”

The head of the FDP parliamentary group, Hans-Ulrich Rülke, suggested that Untersteller resign. The Junge Union also considers it unsustainable. “An environment minister who demands a general speed limit and is too fast himself has lost all credibility and should resign,” said the director of the CDU youth organization, Philipp Bürkle. “Preaching water and drinking wine, that’s pure double standards.”

“I was in a hurry”

Untersteller rejected the demands and told the FDP leadership: “I think Mr Rülke should better consider the crimes for which he is making this demand.” I would, maybe that would be the case. But I do not do it “.

The green politician wanted to visit his son, who lives with two children in Frankfurt an Main. The minister explained: “I was on my way to see my family and I was in a hurry, I ignored the speed limit and the grip allowed me to drive fast.”

But that is not a justification. “I drove inadmissibly too fast, that shouldn’t happen to me.” He told the newspaper: “Of course, this is not a trivial offense if you are traveling clearly above the prescribed speed like I am.”

The consequences would be a lesson to him. He was banned from driving for four weeks, two points in Flensburg and had to pay a fine of 240 euros. Untersteller promised: “I will certainly be more careful in the future when I am behind the wheel.”

Icon: The mirror
