Frankfurt remains Corona’s hotspot among German metropolises


reThe city of Frankfurt wants to access the help of federal police officers during crown checks and has requested appropriate support based on its own information. Because the central Crown parameter fell slightly overnight, but the so-called incidence, that is, the new cases of Covid 19 in a week below 100,000 inhabitants, remains at a very high level. The Robert Koch Institute shows a value of nearly 200 for Frankfurt after nearly 205 on Sunday. This means that the main metropolis remains not only the hotspot in Hesse, but also between the main German cities. There is an equally high value in Solingen and higher indicators in some parts of Berlin. In light of the infection, the city canceled the Christmas market for the weekend and announced new wreath requirements. Now people are advised to wear the mask every day in Frankfurt whenever possible.

Thorsten Winter

Thorsten Winter

Business editor and internet coordinator in Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

In the neighboring town of Offenbach, the incidence value rose again markedly after falling overnight. After 129.4 new infections in seven days among 100,000 inhabitants, the Federal Institute, known for short as the RKI, now shows slightly less than 179. For the Groß-Gerau district there are almost 147 cases, which means stagnation. In Kassel, where an outbreak at an initial reception center for refugees had increased the incidence rate, the situation continues to improve. In contrast, the Gießen district surpassed the 100 mark overnight and is at the highest warning level according to the state escalation concept (see graph).

For the whole of Hesse, the RKI, which is in charge of controlling the disease, talks about 625 new confirmed cases reported overnight. That’s a remarkably low number of new infections compared to the numbers in recent weeks. However, at the beginning of the week there is often a delay in notification by the health authorities. Therefore, Monday dates do not usually say much.

Wiesbaden tightened the rules of the crown

Meanwhile, Wiesbaden is tightening Corona’s requirements after Frankfurt and Offenbach: only five people or relatives from two households can stay together in public space. For private celebrations, for example in restaurants, a maximum of ten people can gather. For meetings in private rooms, the recommendation remains: a maximum of ten people from a maximum of two households. The Vogelsbergkreis also tightened the rules. There, pubs and restaurants have to close at 11pm on Wednesday and stay there until 6am, as announced by the district administration in Lauterbach. According to the dpa, it is no longer allowed to drink alcohol in public between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
