Frankfurt and Offenbach at the top of the Corona ranking


reThe week in Hesse begins with a notable statistical decline in new corona infections. After 882 on Saturday and 407 on Sunday, health authorities reported 336 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). However, the comparatively low numbers on Mondays are not unusual. The reason: “It may take a few days between the notification of the doctors and laboratories to the health department and the transmission of the cases to the responsible state authorities and the RKI,” says the Federal Institute of Berlin. Experience has shown that this phenomenon repeats itself over and over again, especially at the beginning of the week.

Thorsten Winter

Thorsten Winter

Business Editor and Internet Coordinator in Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

Regardless of the relatively manageable increase at the state level, the infection rate is getting worse, especially in Frankfurt and Offenbach. This is clear from the respective incidence of seven days, these are the new corona cases within a week with less than 100,000 inhabitants. Frankfurt passed the 100 mark at the weekend, which was the case in Offenbach before. The RKI now shows the value 118 for Frankfurt and 119.7 for the neighboring city on its website. These are unpleasant new highs for both municipalities. On October 10, Frankfurt had 25.3 and Offenbach 31.4.

These cities, among others, were already at the highest alert level in the concept of escalation in the country (see graph). In this context, the city of Frankfurt has formulated new guidelines. Numerous other counties, as well as large cities, have exceeded the critical incidence value of 50, of which the authorities can restrict the existing easing. This has also happened in many places, for example in Frankfurt and Offenbach, but also in Gießen, with a significantly lower incidence, there is a curfew that includes a ban on serving alcohol in public, including gas stations. Only the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district recently had an incidence below 20, allowing for so-called routine operation.

Almost 20,000 recovered

Since the beginning of the month, the incidence for the whole of Hesse has also increased enormously. If this value was 16.1 on October 1, it is now 58.4, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

As the RKI data on the institute’s website also shows, there are officially three more corona deaths to complain about. Since March there have been 576 deaths related to the pandemic. On the contrary, the number of people who have recovered continues to increase in steps of two hundred. The RKI reports 19,900 of the 25,776 confirmed infections since March. That means the 5,300 Covid-19 cases are not over yet.
