France: concern for Macron’s health after corona infection


foreign countries Corona infection

Fever, cough, exhaustion: Macron with more severe than known Covid symptoms

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French President Emmanuel Macron isolated himself in the La Lanterne hunting lodge in Versailles after his corona infection French President Emmanuel Macron isolated himself in the La Lanterne hunting lodge in Versailles after his corona infection.

French President Emmanuel Macron isolated himself at the La Lanterne hunting lodge in Versailles after his corona infection

Quelle: dpa / Francois Mori

French President Macron’s crown infection is more serious than previously assumed. Should his illness get worse, a succession plan would go into effect. In a video, Macron speaks of a “moment of inattention.”

reFrench President Emmanuel Macron, who was infected with the coronavirus, shows more severe symptoms than initially known. Macron has a fever, cough and severe exhaustion, said government spokesman Gabriel Attal.

The chairman of the government’s corona scientific advisory board, Jean-François Delfraissy, told broadcaster BFM-TV that the president’s illness shows that Covid-19 lung disease could affect anyone, young or old. “The virus remains present and there is a risk, so everyone must adhere to the rules of distance,” Delfraissy warned.

Macron has isolated himself in the La Lanterne hunting lodge on the edge of the gardens of the Palace of Versailles, which is the French president’s weekend residence. The head of state had often retired there with his wife Brigitte since his election in 2017. In the palace built in 1787 from the time of Louis XVI. He should also have his 43rd birthday on Monday. His wife Brigitte, 67, remained in quarantine at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

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French president

In a video on Twitter, Macron stated that after testing positive in quarantine, he continued to work, albeit at a slower pace. He’s fine. Your infection shows that anyone can get sick. You may have contracted the virus through a “moment of inattention.”

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President of the Senate expected as possible interim president

If Macron’s Covid 19 disease got so bad that he could no longer hold office, a succession plan would go into effect. Then the number two in the state would temporarily take over official business. According to article 7 of the French Constitution of 1958, he is the president of the Senate. This is currently the conservative Gérard Larcher from the largest opposition party, Les Républicains.

Larcher, 71, would have full powers as interim president, with two exceptions: he could neither organize a referendum nor dissolve the National Assembly.

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If the president of the Senate is also unable to attend, the constitution states that “the government” must take over the daily activities. Exactly who takes the helm has not been formulated. It would probably be Prime Minister Jean Castex as the highest ranking member of the government.

Government promises transparency on Macron’s health

The government assumes that Macron could have been infected at the EU summit late last week. However, due to the large number of your contacts, this is impossible to prove. After the positive result of Macron’s test was known, several leading politicians from France and the EU went into quarantine as a precaution, including Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and EU Council President Charles Michel.

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“Everything is better again”

The government has promised “transparency” about Macron’s health. However, this is not without controversy: the president of the French center party UDI, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, wanted more discretion. “I prefer that there is less communication and one stops lying, as was the case with Mitterrand and Chirac,” said the president, whose opposition party works with Macron.

Former socialist president François Mitterrand made his back pain and cancer a state secret in the 1980s so as not to appear weak. Former President Jacques Chirac’s degenerative nerve disease was only known through a press report in 2011, and he died last year.

The health authority warns of the “resurgence of the epidemic”

In light of the upcoming Christmas holidays, the French health authority also expressed “concern” about the recent “resurgence of the epidemic.” The authority noted “an increase in the spread of the virus” after the number of infections had initially stagnated. The health authority warned that the situation was especially dangerous before the holidays with its large number of encounters.

On Thursday night, more than 18,000 new infections were recorded in France in 24 hours. Epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet warned on the BFM-TV television channel of a third lockdown in January if the French did not behave in a disciplined manner on vacation. According to a survey by the RTL station and the Orange group, 68 percent of citizens do not want to wear a mask on Christmas Eve, although virologists recommend it.

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Due to the strict lockdown since the end of October, the number of new infections in France initially dropped significantly and the pressure on hospitals also decreased. All stores have reopened since late November and exit restrictions have also been relaxed. At Christmas, the French are allowed to travel with their families.
