Former President Welcomes Absolution: Trump: Our Movement Is Just Beginning


Former President welcomes acquittal
Trump: Our movement is just beginning

As soon as the Senate acquitted him in impeachment proceedings, Trump spoke. Explain that their movement is just beginning. Top Democrat Schumer, however, speaks of a “day of shame” after the vote.

Former President Donald Trump has welcomed the acquittal of the Senate impeachment against him and has stated that his political movement is just beginning. He looks forward to the “incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people,” Trump said in a statement Saturday.

“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to make America great again has just begun,” said the Republican. “There has never been anything like it!” At the same time, Trump thanked the Republican senators for the acquittal. Democrats tried to undermine the rule of law, he said.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, on the other hand, harshly criticized his Republican colleagues. “January 6 will be a day of shame in the history of the United States of America. Failure to convict Donald Trump will go down in the history of the United States Senate as an embarrassment,” Schumer said, referring to the Capitol storm. less than six weeks ago.

Inciting an attack on the seat of Congress is “the most despicable act ever committed by a president,” Schumer said. And yet the majority of Republicans could not muster the courage to condemn this act. “My fellow citizens, remember that day, January 6, forever. The last terrible legacy of the 45th President of the United States, and without a doubt the worst.”

Nearly six weeks after the Capitol was stormed by angry Trump supporters, the Senate cleared the former president of “inciting a riot” in the impeachment process. A majority of 57 senators voted in favor of a conviction on Saturday, but did not get the two-thirds majority of the 67 votes required for a conviction. 50 Democrats and seven Republicans voted to convict Trump.
