Former head of the US health authority: Coronavirus comes from a laboratory in Wuhan – foreign policy


Did the coronavirus originate from a laboratory accident in China? Many people, including high-ranking politicians and scientists, believe this provocative claim.

Now there is a new high-profile proponent of this theory: Dr. Robert Redfield (69), under then-President Donald Trump (74), director of the US health authority CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Disease Prevention, comparable to the German Robert Koch Institute).

In an interview with the US news station CNN, Redfield said that, in his opinion, the virus did not arise naturally but “escaped” from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

“Other people don’t believe that. It’s okay. Science will eventually find out, ”explained the virologist who ran the CDC at the time when the pandemic in the United States was at its peak.

There is consensus between scientists and the World Health Organization (WHO) that the virus was transmitted from bats to humans through another animal.

“I just don’t think that makes biological sense,” Redfield added. However, he does not assume that scientists in China will. It is not uncommon for respiratory pathogens to infect a laboratory worker.

SARS-CoV2 was first discovered in December 2019. Redfield, on the other hand, believes that the pathogen was already in circulation in September or October 2019.

In February, the WHO sent a team of experts to Wuhan to investigate the origin of the virus. The team concluded that it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus came from a laboratory accident and likely came from animals before spreading to humans.

Also in Germany, many believe in the laboratory theory. More recently, nano-scientist Roland Wiesendanger (University of Hamburg) caused a stir: in mid-February, he presented a study that was supposed to prove the origin of the virus in the high-security laboratory of the Wuhan Virological Institute.

The professor received massive criticism for his studies, but the university leadership supported the scientist. Wiesendanger confirmed to BILD: “Corona came from a lab in Wuhan!”
