For January: ticket prices on local transport in Saxony-Anhalt are increasing


08:47 am | Brexit: economy ministers satisfied with trade pact

The EU and Great Britain want to sign the trade pact negotiated by Brexit today. The agreement regulates future relationships as of January 1. The most important point is to avoid tariffs and ensure the smoothest trade possible. Saxony-Anhalt Finance Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) speaks of a good result. He told MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT that implementation was important now. For companies exporting goods from Saxony-Anhalt to Britain, it becomes more bureaucratic. There are more formalities to consider.

What is important, however, is the decision that there will be no major changes for companies in the auto industry or the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors, Willingmann said. That is good for the economy of Saxony-Anhalt.

08:32 am | The worlds of light return to Magdeburg

In Magdeburg, the popular worlds of light will be rebuilt in Advent 2021. That’s what Christmas Market GmbH director Paul-Gerhard Stieger told Volksstimme. He hoped that the Christmas market and the world of lights could be installed normally in 2021. At the same time, Stieger announced that more stalls would be installed at Domplatz next year. But you want to keep calm and contemplation there. Therefore, the construction of attractions on Domplatz is not planned.

08:17 am | Ministry: more young people want to become farmers

Apparently, more young people in Saxony-Anhalt want to be farmers again. According to the Magdeburg Ministry of Agriculture, more young people chose to train in agricultural or domestic professions in the year that is coming to an end. A total of 526 training contracts were concluded in the so-called green professions, 13 more than the previous year. Agriculture Minister Claudia Dalbert (Greens) said in a statement that agriculture is a key economic pillar in rural areas. As in many other industries, a generational change is imminent. In this context, too, this news is good, Dalbert said.

08:03 am | After Karstadt-Aus: Who moves to the Rathaus-Center in Dessau?

Only the store space is around two soccer fields and needs to be filled. What am I talking about? From the Rathaus-Center in Dessau and the successor to Karstadt. The department store branch will finally close at the end of January, if it is allowed to reopen by then due to Corona. Hans-Jörg Bliesener, Center Director, comments Hans-Jörg Bliesener, Center Director, has been looking for a new tenant: “There are some tenants who would like to work with larger areas. There are stakeholders who are not yet in the Rathaus-Center “.

By the way, Corona does not facilitate the search. Due to the pandemic, some companies have postponed their expansion plans for now. The director of the center remains optimistic: “I think we will succeed at some point,” he says.

07:38 am | Popular names in Saxony-Anhalt: Mia and Ben in front

The most popular names for newborns in Saxony-Anhalt this year were Ben and Mia, as shown by a ranking by name by researcher Knud Bielefeld. For his statistics he has evaluated almost 180,000 birth notifications from all over Germany. In front (like last year): Mia. The name Ben went from third to first place in the hobby name researcher’s statistics. In 2019, Finn was the most popular boy’s name in Saxony-Anhalt. According to Bielefeld, the names Carlo, Pepe, Willi, Elisabeth and Martha were also popular.

07:20 am | Almost 4,000 people vaccinated: supplies today

Almost 4,000 vaccinations since the weekend in Saxony-Anhalt: the road to the end of the pandemic still seems long. The good news in this regard: Today, another 20,000 doses of vaccine are expected in Saxony-Anhalt. The Ministry of Health announced it. It is said that almost 10,000 doses of vaccine have been administered tomorrow night.

By the way: most of the people so far had been vaccinated in Halle last night: 1,030. In Magdeburg, on the other hand, 358 women and men received a puncture.
