For Corona tracking: Federal government wants to recruit additional helpers


Around 15,000 soldiers are already supporting the health authorities with monitoring Corona. But the number of infections is increasing and many authorities can barely keep up. The head of the chancery, Braun, wants to mobilize more assistants and also depends on the students.

In light of the rapidly growing number of new corona infections, the federal government is trying to recruit additional helpers to help municipalities track the chains of infection. “The need is huge, a five-digit number of assistants is needed,” Foreign Minister Helge Braun of the “Rheinische Post” said.

In addition to the Bundeswehr contingent of up to 15,000 soldiers, they are also looking “if we can mobilize more reserves of personnel in the federal government and subordinate authorities,” said the CDU politician. He also hoped to attract a larger number of students to follow up on contacts. The government is in talks with the university rectors’ conference so that the volunteers are not disadvantaged in their studies.

From Braun’s point of view, the corona alert app has proven itself in the context of the dynamic development of the pandemic. “The warnings are increasing drastically at the moment, we are seeing a strong increase”, said the head of the Chancellery. By Tuesday, 10,860 users who tested positive may have sent a warning to their anonymous contacts through the app. The app has now been downloaded about 19.6 million times. Experts assume that the app is actively used by around 16 million people in Germany.

Braun renewed a proposal he made in the summer to hold a state act for the victims of the crown “when the crown pandemic has essentially been defeated.” The message that spread in the summer that Germany will come out of the crisis well should have been perceived by family members who have lost someone to the virus as extremely cynical. “I tell you that the victims of this pandemic will not be forgotten under any circumstances,” Braun stressed.
