Flensburg curfew in force: police check | NDR.de – News – Schleswig-Holstein


Status: 02/20/2021 00:01 am

Nighttime curfew and contact only with your own home – the city of Flensburg is tightening the crown’s rules as of today. And the fulfillment of the will of the Interior Ministry should also be increasingly monitored by the police.

In Flensburg, according to Mayor Simone Lange (SPD), corona infections are almost only found with mutated viruses. In addition to the virus mutations found Thursday in urban area 341, 19 more cases were added on Friday. Therefore, the city is now cracking down on tougher measures: Starting today, night-out restrictions apply to city residents. They refer to the hours of 9 pm to 5 am Also, private meetings are prohibited there at the moment. Lange (SPD) said on Friday that the new general decree is valid until February 26. The mayor emphasized that there are exceptions to the restrictions.

For contact restrictions, the following are:

  • Exercise of professional, commercial or official activities
  • Visits to educational and care centers, as well as offers of participation in working life, participation in exams and visits to the authorities that cannot be postponed.
  • Use of medical, nursing and veterinary care services, blood donations.
  • Exercise of custody and access rights
  • Undeniably needed support from relatives and neighbors in need
  • for necessary companions of people who have an identity card for people with severe disabilities with the marks B, H, BI, GI or TBI
  • for couples with separate residences
  • to accompany the dying as well as to participate in funeral ceremonies
  • for the care of animals
  • For equally important and irrefutable reasons

There are also exceptions to night out restrictions: these are:

  • Exercise of professional, commercial or official activities
  • Visit of healthcare centers within the meaning of § 15a and § 16 of Corona-KämpfVO
  • Use of medical, nursing and veterinary care services.
  • Exercise of custody, parenting and contact rights
  • Undeniably needed support from relatives and neighbors in need
  • Accompanying the dying
  • Caring for animals, including walking dogs
  • Participation in events in accordance with Section 5 (2) numbers 1 and 6 of the Crown Control Ordinance
  • For equally important and irrefutable reasons

Lange: There is a risk of high fines

The increase in the rate of mutations and the expected increase in incidence “entitles us to initiate these very serious but necessary measures,” said Mayor Lange. Announced strict controls. Violations of the regulation can result in high fines.

Simone Lange (right) speaks at a press conference.

AUDIO: Simone Lange: “Mutations are increasing” (5 min)

The Interior Minister seeks understanding

Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin-Waack (CDU) campaigned for understanding of the measures taken at a press conference on Friday. “We have to go through that now. The point is to prevent the mutated viruses from spreading.” Flensburg currently has the highest incidence value in Schleswig-Holstein and is particularly affected by the spread of virus mutations. To contain the spread, the contacts should be reduced, explains Sütterlin-Waack. “The sooner we can do that, the sooner we can do without the stricter measures,” he said.

The police want to take rigorous measures

Flensburg Police Department Chief Olaf Schulz announced an increased police presence in the city area. “We will be visible to everyone and we will carry out the controls.” The officials would rely primarily on dialogue with the population. However, if necessary, Schulz said, action will be taken consistently.

VIDEO: Night curfew: how the Flensburgers take the news (1 min)

According to Schulz, the police want to be everywhere in the city with foot patrols during the day. In addition, additional patrol cars are used: Flensburg police officers are supported by the Eutin team.

Controls will increment throughout SH

Meanwhile, the state police announced at the press conference that police from other parts of Schleswig-Holstein would also like to increase their presence on the streets over the weekend. State Police Director Michael Wilksen explained that municipal authorities must be supported in high incidence areas: “We continue to move forward with a sense of proportion and the necessary instinct.”

More information

The shield

The Danes barely control themselves when they enter Germany at this time; Lange wants that to change. plus

Flensburg at night © Peter Körner Photo: Peter Körner

Prime Minister Günther has also announced a tightening of contact restrictions due to the persistently high number of corona infections. plus

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 02/19/2021 | 3 pm

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