Flensburg and Pinneberg are exacerbated by the incidence of 200 | NDR.de – news


Status: January 24, 2021 7:57 PM

In the city of Flensburg and in the district of Pinneberg, the rules of the crown will be tightened starting tomorrow. Over the weekend the threshold of 200 was exceeded there.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Flensburg, the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents in a week rose to 203.0 on Saturday and 202.1 in the Pinneberg district.

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

AUDIO: Flensburg and Pinneberg reach an incidence of 200 (1 min)

City of Flensburg introduces expanded mask requirement in crowded locations

After consulting the Ministry of Health in Kiel, the city of Flensburg decided that an extended mask requirement was initially sufficient. According to the new general decree, which comes into force tomorrow and is valid until February 14, oral and nasal protection is mandatory in areas of the urban area where a greater number of people are expected:

  • ZOB and station esplanade
  • various streets of the city center
  • several streets in the center of the Mürwik district
  • several streets in the center of the Engelsby district
  • Docklands
  • Solitüde Beach and Ostseebad Beach

More restrictions apply in the Pinneberg district

According to its own information, the Pinneberg district is guided by the general recommendations of the Ministry of Health when the incidence exceeds 200. According to the new general decree, which comes into force tomorrow and is valid until January 31, various measures are applied :

  • Extension of mandatory mouth and nose protection: for adults in all playgrounds in the district, around Tornescher Bahnhof and on the esplanade of the S-Bahn station in Halstenbek
  • Limitation of daytime tourism: no access to recreation areas Himmelmoor, Holmer Sandberge, Hetlinger Schanze
  • Retailer: only one person can buy (exception: children under 14 can enter the store, as long as there is no alternative)
  • Gastronomy: Collection of requested food and drinks by appointment only
  • Burials and funeral services: max. 15 people
  • Schools: entry outside of school hours is not allowed
  • Residences: general entry ban (exceptions: one registered visitor per inhabitant, visits to the seriously ill and dying, etc.)

Highest climb: radius of 15 kilometers

More information

A map of northern Germany with a symbolized radius © NDR Photo: -

Here you can see how far the radius of 15 kilometers around your place of residence would extend. plus

If the numbers continue to rise, state regulation also restricts private tours within a 15-kilometer radius. “But there is no automatic mechanism for this measure,” Schleswig-Holstein Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP) said on January 11. In individual cases it will be seen if there is an isolated outbreak or if the virus is circulating widely in the population. This next step should take place after a maximum of 10 days. Business trips and visits to close relatives are still allowed.

diffuse infection process in a circle

According to a spokeswoman, about 30 percent of infections in the Pinneberg district can be traced back to multiple outbreaks in different care facilities. However, 70 percent of the new infections in the last seven days are due to a diffuse infection process, so such restrictions are necessary: ​​”I am aware that these measures mean a greater violation of the rights to freedom. of the people in the Pinneberg district, “said district administrator Elfi Heesch. You hope these measures don’t have to be scaled up, but that will only be successful if everyone sticks to them consistently.

Rise in Flensburg apparently due to New Years Eve celebration

In Flensburg, about half the cases can be traced back to a New Year’s Eve party held by temporary workers from two companies. Also, there are numerous new cases in people who have visited their families abroad, Mayor Simone Lange said when asked by NDR Schleswig-Holstein. Furthermore, the Berlin Charité confirmed in at least one case that the British virus B 1.1.7 mutation. It was tested in Flensburg. This variant is considered particularly contagious.

What happens when the numbers go back below 200?

If incidents in the Pinneberg district and in Flensburg fall below the 200 mark again in the following days, the rules will not be immediately dropped, according to the city of Flensburg. In this regard, it is also irrelevant that Flensburg currently only has an incidence of 194 according to its own calculation, in contrast to the RKI information. There should have been a transmission error that has not yet been accurately clarified. The situation is serious, according to a spokesman, especially since the British mutation was detected in the city. So now it doesn’t matter if Flensburg has outperformed or is shortly before.

More information

A map of Schleswig-Holstein in front of a 3D animation of a vrius crown.  © Colourbox Photo: Hannu Viitanen

How many infections were reported in the cities and independent districts of Schleswig-Holstein: tables and graphs. plus

A passenger wearing an FFP2 protective mask gets on a train © dpa / picture-alliance Photo: Tobias Hase

What Schleswig-Holstein residents should consider before February 14, 2021: from A for the distance requirement to Z for the second residence. plus

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

Here you will find videos, information and general information about the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Schleswig-Holstein. plus

This topic on the show:

NDR 1 Welle Nord | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 01/24/2021 | 16:00.

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