First reading in the Bundestag: EEG will be reformed


For the first time, the Bundestag is debating the reform of the Renewable Energy Law presented by Minister Altmaier. Criticisms of the plans come from the Greens and the FDP, among others.

By Martin Polansky, ARD capital studio

For the Minister of Economy, Peter Altmaier, the amendment to the Law on Renewable Energy Sources is an important step forward: “With the change, we have set the course for a modern, affordable but also effective energy transition,” said the politician from the CDU.

The so-called EEG 2021 sets the goal of generating all electricity in Germany in a greenhouse gas-neutral manner by 2050. To do this, renewable energies will be expanded according to fixed specifications. The strongest is photovoltaic power, with almost double the amount of electricity by 2030. Onshore wind power production should increase by almost a third. From the perspective of the leader of the Greens Annalena Baerbock, this is not ambitious enough.

“If we want and have to electrify traffic, if we want the industry, for example steel production, to be climate neutral, then we need more electrification in this area. That means we have a higher demand for electricity, and this higher demand for electricity should also be covered by more renewable energy. ” Otherwise, Germany will not advance its climate goals, Baerbock said.

Baerbock requires mandatory solar energy for new residential and commercial buildings, in a second step also for each roof renovation. He also warns that old solar and wind systems could be taken off the grid because they are no longer subsidized after twenty years. Baerbock calls for a succession plan, for example, through state-guaranteed electricity contracts.

Increasing resistance to wind turbines hinders energy transition

A problem with the expansion of renewables: in many places resistance is increasing, especially against wind turbines. The EEG amendment now states that municipalities can benefit financially if wind turbines are built there. Y: Under Altmaier’s plans, the expansion of renewables should be explicitly declared as a public safety issue. That could make lawsuits against wind turbines for bird protection reasons more difficult, the nature conservation association NABU fears.

Resistance to these plans comes from the FDP. Economic policy Sandra Weeser sees this as an undisguised threat from politicians: “Ultimately, this is a gun that is put to the foreheads of citizens. I don’t think about it much because it is supposed to force acceptance.”

EEG surcharge should decrease

And finally, it’s also about the costs of the energy transition. The economy has long complained that Germany has the highest electricity prices in Europe, due to high taxes, but also due to the EEG surcharge. However, many energy-intensive companies will remain exempt from it, also with EEG 2021.

What’s new is that a federal grant will limit the surcharge to 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour. It is currently 6.76 cents. So electricity should be a little cheaper. In return, the CO2 price for traffic and buildings will apply from next year. This makes gasoline and heating oil more expensive. The bottom line is that some will benefit, others will pay more – based on their own electricity usage, vehicle usage and their own heating.
