First agreements at the Corona summit: Longer lockdown: vaccines in practice


Status: 03.03.2021 11:27 pm

The first agreements were reached at the Crown summit: apparently, the federal and state governments agreed to extend the blockade until March 28. Vaccinations should also be possible in medical practices from the end of March.

During consultations between Chancellor Angela Merkel and federal state prime ministers on future Corona policy, initial agreements are emerging. The blockade to combat the pandemic will last until March 28, as well ARD capital study learned from participant circles. A final decision is still pending.

A fundamental extension of the blockade was expected. According to the draft resolutions that were released before the deliberations, there should be numerous options for gradual opening depending on the regional number of cases. Negotiations are still ongoing.

As the German press agency discovered through the participants in the federal state change, there could be a step-by-step opening of the retail sector at the national or regional level if the number of infections is less than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. .

Tina Hassel, ARD Berlin, on the difficult negotiations between the federal state and the

Topics of the day at 9:35 p.m., March 3, 2021

Vaccinations by general practitioners and specialists

Merkel and the country’s leaders are said to have already agreed on measures to accelerate the corona vaccination campaign in Germany. According to information from ARD capital studies It is planned to allow coronavirus vaccination from late March or early April at the latest in many general practitioner and specialist practices. Until now, vaccinations have mainly been carried out in specially established test centers because some vaccines have to be stored separately.

Before the consultations, Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz also spoke in favor of relaxing the crown’s restrictions on people vaccinated “quickly”. “Now that the first studies suggest that vaccinated people no longer transmit virus diseases and therefore do not pose a risk of infection, then we should discuss what restrictions can be removed for this group,” said the SPD politician. from the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. . “I can well imagine that the vaccination certificate can be used as a negative rapid test.” In this way, access to cultural institutions or restaurants can be facilitated.

New working group for the acquisition of rapid tests

To allow for greater flexibility, the federal government had also announced that it would offer free rapid tests to all citizens. However, there should be problems obtaining these tests. According to information from ARD capital studies therefore, the federal and state governments want to establish a joint task force to accelerate procurement and distribution.

At the same time as the Bund-Länder Round, the opposition in the Bundestag harshly attacked the government’s actions. Left-wing healthcare politician Achim Kessler called on the government: “Finally, stop driving only on sight.” Ecological health expert Janosch Dahmen asked for a “guardrail” as a prerequisite for vacancies. To do this, all corona-positive tests across the country would have to be screened for more contagious virus variants. Comprehensive periodic and rapid self-tests should become “common property”, not just in April.
