Fireworks on New Year’s Eve: where fireworks are allowed and where not


Updated on November 24, 2020 at 3:28 pm

  • On Wednesday, the federal and state governments want to agree more wreath measures, with a special focus on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
  • In order not to further burden the healthcare sector in the pandemic, the prime ministers of the federal states originally wanted a ban on the sale of fireworks.
  • One of these is now off the table; there will still be restrictions.

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The corona pandemic can also skyrocket. The federal states have in the Debate on a possible ban on fireworks on New Year’s Eve Apparently he reached a compromise. Fireworks and bangers should also be allowed this year, as the business magazine “Business Insider” reported. The federal states led by the SPD and the CDU agreed to this Monday night in a joint telephone exchange.

the Fireworks should be banned “in busy places and streets”to avoid the formation of larger groups, as is clear from a joint draft resolution of the countries that the AFP agency received on Tuesday. “The responsible local authorities determine the affected places and streets,” says the draft.

should also no public fireworks give. In addition, the federal states appealed to citizens this year to avoid fireworks.

Read also: All current information on the corona pandemic on our live blog

Other actions must be decided on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of state of the federal states want to speak with the new crown measurements for December and January communicate.

In the resolution proposed by the federal states for consultations with Merkel, the sale and lighting of fireworks were originally intended to be prohibited on New Year’s Eve. To alleviate emergency services, not to overload the health system and avoid the formation of groups..

The document was written on Sunday under the leadership of Berlin’s ruling mayor, Michael Müller (SPD), who is currently chairing the Prime Minister’s Conference.

According to a recent poll by the opinion research institute YouGov, almost two-thirds of German citizens (64 percent) are in favor of banning New Year’s Eve fireworks in 2020/21 due to the corona crisis. 25 percent are currently against the ban.

Anyone can participate in the surveys conducted by the Civey Survey Institute. However, only responses from registered and verified users are included in the result. They must provide personal information such as age, place of residence and gender. Civey uses this information to weight a vote based on the occurrence of socioeconomic factors in the total population. Therefore, the business surveys are representative. You can find more information about the method here, more about data protection here.

Lobby and trade association warned of a sales ban

But he was against the ban on fireworks. Resistance in the ranks of the CDU and CSU. Such a move would be disproportionate, said the deputy chairman of the Union’s parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Georg Nüßlein (CSU). “It is not necessary or appropriate and you meet people who want to mark the change of the year in this way unnecessarily.”

The Pyrotechnic Industry Association (VPI) and retailers had previously warned about a ban on fireworks on New Year’s Eve. “A ban could end up hurting consumers more often to illegal fireworks on the black market take hold, which leads to accidents more often, “said HDE trade association managing director Stefan Genth of the publishing network newspapers in Germany.

To avoid crowds on New Year’s Eve, the police union and several politicians speak out in favor of banning firecrackers.

Teaserbild: © imago images / Arnulf Hettrich
