Firecrackers and Parties – These rules apply on New Year’s Eve.


Laut, full, colorful – Usually New Years Eve is a reason for many to celebrate and shoot. Both will only be possible on a limited basis this year. The nationwide crown lock and contact restrictions also apply at the end of the year.

According to the federal government, private gatherings from your own home and from another home are allowed on New Year’s Eve. A maximum of five people can meet. Children up to 14 years old do not count. On New Years Eve and New Years Eve there is also a national ban on gathering and gathering.

This year, the sale of pyrotechnics was generally banned. After all: according to experts, the ban on sales will guarantee better air. “Of course, a significant reduction in fine dust pollution can be expected on New Year’s Day, since … almost no fireworks will be lit,” said Federal Environment Agency (UBA) spokesman Felix Poetschke of the German Press Agency.

Lighting fireworks that have been in storage for a long time can be dangerous

The Federal Institute for Materials Testing and Research recommends that anyone who still has fireworks should not light them. The reason for this is that fireworks that have been stored for a longer period of time lose their function or may react more slowly due to the absorption of moisture. Whoever then turns on more often may experience an unpleasant surprise. Fireworks that are stored excessively dry can also change their function and react faster or slower.

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In contrast to the ban on selling fireworks for adults, merchants can offer sparklers, table fireworks, and so-called fireworks for children. In the crown protection regulations of the federal states, there is mainly talk of public fireworks and fireworks in public places and streets. For the most part, the ban does not apply to lighting fireworks in private rooms, but there are exceptions.

These are the rules and exceptions in the federal states.

Baden-Württemberg: Rockets and firecrackers can only be lit in your own garden on New Year’s Eve. Celebrating people in public places is a thing of the past. Due to departure restrictions, the apartment can only be vacated after 8pm even on New Years Eve for a valid reason.

Bayern: Burning or carrying fireworks on New Year’s Eve is prohibited throughout Bavaria in “public places”. The respective municipalities determine which places they refer to. Fireworks from previous years can be activated in private properties such as the garden or balcony, but this is also prohibited in some cities and in the Middle Franconia region.

The house or apartment can only be left for good reason during the night-out restriction from 9 pm to 5 am Therefore, visitors should be prepared to stay overnight if they want to celebrate the New Year.

Sedan: Also in the capital, the firing of firecrackers is prohibited in many places: the Berlin Senate published a list of 56 places, including places like the Brandenburg Gate. Despite the ban on selling fireworks, the Berlin fire brigade is preparing for a state of emergency for New Year’s Eve in the same way as in previous years.

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Brandenburg: Lighting fireworks is basically possible in Brandenburg, but it is taboo in public places. According to the ministries, the independent districts and cities issued the corresponding orders based on the current containment ordinance. The state government had strongly advised against lighting fireworks.

Exit restrictions will be relaxed for New Years Eve: On New Years Eve (i.e. December 31, 2020 to January 1, 2021), the Brandenburgers can be out until 2 a.m.

Bremen: New Year’s Eve fireworks are generally banned in the smaller federal state, because the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven are forbidden to burn fireworks. People cannot light rockets and firecrackers that they already have at home, for example, from the previous year. Small fireworks such as sparklers and peas can be used and can be purchased throughout the year.

Hamburg: According to the Senate press office, the sale and lighting of fireworks is generally prohibited this year. “Only small fireworks such as sparklers or table fireworks are allowed,” the spokeswoman added. According to the current containment ordinance, this not only applies in public places, but also in your own garden or on the balcony.

Despite the closure of Corona across the country, family members of the burgers were able to stay in hotels over Christmas. The Senate spokeswoman emphasized that this no longer applies to the turn of the year.

Hessen: The sale of fireworks and firecrackers is prohibited this year, and in many places it is not allowed to light last year’s stocks. Which are these places depends on the respective municipality. For example, Frankfurt and Offenbach have banned fireworks in various areas of the city.

Only a maximum of five people from two households can meet in public. For celebrations at home, compliance with the rules is “strongly recommended”.

Also for the last night of the year for the people of the districts with a night curfew: from 21.00 hours, the apartment can only be left for good reason.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Lighting pyrotechnics in public places and streets in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is prohibited.

Tourist overnight stays in hotels and other accommodations are not yet allowed on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve. Visitors from other federal states cannot come to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for a day trip unless they visit their so-called nuclear family here.

Lower Saxony: It is forbidden to set off fireworks or carry firecrackers and rockets in busy streets, roads and squares. Districts and large cities determine which places are affected.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Parties are prohibited. In accordance with the requirements of the Crown Protection Ordinance, gatherings with friends or family on New Year’s Eve on your own four walls are not limited by the number of guests. In some cities and districts particularly affected by the corona virus, a night curfew is also applied at the end of the year. For example, in the Gütersloh district. Citizens must stay in the house between 10 pm and 5 am The apartment can only be left in special exceptions: New Year’s Eve celebrations and fireworks are not included.

There are different rules from city to city as to whether firecrackers that have already been purchased can be exploded. In the state capital, Düsseldorf, for example, fireworks are banned throughout the old town. In Bonn, shooting is prohibited in public spaces, in the entire city area.

Rhineland-Palatinate: It is totally prohibited to set off fireworks in public places and streets. Municipalities determine exactly which places are affected.

In Ludwigshafen, Speyer and Frankenthal, as well as in Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis, there are still night-out restrictions until January 10 due to high incidence values. People can only leave the house between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. in justified exceptional cases.

Saxony: The current Saxon Crown Protection Ordinance only prohibits the sale of fireworks. It is only “discouraged” to activate fireworks that are already there. However, the responsible municipal authorities could order a ban on burning fireworks in public places that are very popular.

The curfew between 10 pm and 6 am does not apply to New Years Eve.

Saxony-Anhalt: In Saxony-Anhalt, most municipalities refrain from banning the burning of rockets and New Year’s Eve firecrackers in popular places to avoid crowds. However, there are local bans on firecrackers.

Saar: Public fireworks are prohibited. It is not recommended to light New Year’s Eve fireworks. “In addition, local police authorities can prohibit both the lighting of pyrotechnics and the consumption of alcoholic beverages in busy squares and streets,” says the country.

Schleswig-Holstein: Anyone who still has rockets or firecrackers from last year cannot light them in places in the city center, for example in Kiel, Flensburg or Lübeck. The Schleswig-Flensburg district generally prohibits the use of fireworks in built-up areas. On islands like Sylt or in the North Sea town of Sankt Peter-Ording, fireworks are banned every year for fire protection reasons because of the thatched houses.

The traditional Rummelpottlauf is allowed in the Nordfriesland district with certain conditions: members of one household can ring the bell of another household. If the door is opened, everyone involved must abide by the distance rules.

Thuringia: According to the Thuringian Crown Ordinance, fireworks are prohibited in public streets, squares and parks. Departure restrictions do not apply from 10 pm on December 31, 2020 until 3 am inclusive the next day.
