Firecracker fan he blew himself up in the air. Neighbor: “Like an atomic bomb” – Inland News


A deafening explosion, then a cloud of smoke nearly 20 meters high rose over the city.

In Eckernförde (Schleswig-Holstein) the apprentice Jannek S. (19) blew himself up while making weapons!

Resident Christiane Burdekat (61) describes how she experienced the explosion around 11am yesterday morning: “I was sitting at the kitchen table and I was drinking coffee when suddenly there was a really terrible explosion. My hair stood on end. I was so scared and looked out the window. There was a cloud of smoke, like an atomic bomb, like a rising mushroom. “

Minutes later, firefighters, police, and the ambulance entered Cäcilienstraße, where the accident occurred.

Einsatzkräfte kurz nach der Explosion in der Cäcilienstraße. Jannek S. wurde mit schweren Verbrennungen ins Krankenhaus gebrachtPhoto: Private

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Emergency services shortly after the explosion on Cäcilienstraße. Jannek S. was taken to hospital with severe burns.Photo: Private

What happened?

Jannek S. had reportedly manipulated chemicals in the garden house of his parents’ row house to produce the firecrackers himself. Specialists are still investigating what exactly he mixed.

Then the explosion! Objects flew through the air, cracks appeared in the neighboring house. Fragments and debris landed on the roofs of the surrounding houses. Jannek S. suffered severe burns.

Das Gartenhaus, in dem Jannek S. an Böllern bastelte, ist komplett zerstörtPhoto: Marco Zitzow

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The garden house in which Jannek S. fiddled with weapons has been completely destroyed.Photo: Marco Zitzow

Burdekat resident to BILD: “The rescuers entered the house with a stretcher and came out with someone shortly after. The person was completely wrapped up, but must have been alive because the head was poking out. “

The rescue teams took him to a special clinic in Lübeck. According to a police spokesman, life was in danger.

Yannick S. aus EckernfördePhoto: Private

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Jannek S. from EckernfördePhoto: Private

It’s hard to believe: other than Jannek S. no one was injured in the blast. Resident Burdekat was still in shock yesterday afternoon: “I almost had a heart attack. At first I thought it was a shot missed by the Navy ”. Another neighbor reports that Jannek S. has always bragged a lot over the years.

Diese Bohrmaschine mit Mischaufsatz wurde beschlagnahmtPhoto: Marco Zitzow

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This drill with mixing attachment was confiscatedPhoto: Marco Zitzow

Was he now manufacturing explosives himself because the sale of fireworks is prohibited? The government had imposed this due to the corona pandemic to relieve clinics by the end of the year.

At the scene of the explosion, the police seized chemicals and a drill with a mixing attachment. Jannek S. had apparently taken care of her.


► BILD Poll: Are you going to shoot on New Year’s Eve?

Berlin: dispute over the New Year’s fireworks! Due to growing corona numbers, rockets and fireworks are not allowed in many places this year. Who lets the roar be, who lets it crash? BILD asked.

Baris Demir (34) from Cloppenburg

Baris Demir verzichtet aufs BöllernPhoto: Martin Brinckmann

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Baris Demir gives up shootingPhoto: Martin Brinckmann

“I don’t hit. My wife works in the hospital and it was then that I learned of the serious injuries caused by the firecrackers. Often times, people who have not raised themselves are also injured. “

Maurice-Philippe Wernicke (37), Leipzig banker

Maurice-Philippe Wernicke lehnt ein Böller-Verbot abPhoto: Anika Dollmeyer

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Maurice-Philippe Wernicke rejects ban on firecrackersPhoto: Anika Dollmeyer

“That is tradition! I’m going to launch a missile or two. I think it is totally banana to issue a ban and I hope that the number of infections does not increase further. “

Joe Poignon, 23, student from Berlin

Joe Poigon will sich den Spaß nicht verderben lassenPhoto: Olaf Selchow

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Joe Poigon doesn’t want the fun to be ruinedPhoto: Olaf Selchow

“Luckily, last year I stocked up on fireworks rockets. There was still something left. Even though I couldn’t buy anything this year, I won’t let the fun get spoiled and fire a missile or two. “

Julia Weien (31), Leipzig employment agency

Julia Weien ist in Zeiten von Corona für ein VerbotPhoto: Anika Dollmeyer

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Julia Weien is in favor of a ban in the days of CoronaPhoto: Anika Dollmeyer

“I support the ban. Fireworks can tempt them to hug. That is why it seems contradictory to me to ban it only in certain places in the city. Either all or nothing! “
