Fire in a refugee camp: Seehofer embarrasses EU MEP and is violently attacked


Following the Moria fire, Horst Seehofer wants to tackle refugee policy issues during the Presidency of the EU Council. Meanwhile, the EU Commission is planning a new course on the refugee issue.

  • After this Great fire in the Moria refugee camp On the Greek island of Lesbos, a debate has broken out over European refugee policy.
  • Interior Minister Seehofer wants to address refugee policy issues during the Presidency of the EU Council. (Update September 11 at 7:33 pm)
  • The EU Commission wants to present a new plan at the end of September.

Update from September 11 at 9:58 pm: After going through the devastating Mark in Moria If the homeless refugees have spent the third night in a row outdoors, Greek soldiers are pitching tents.

Greece, Lesbos: Greek soldiers pitched UNHCR tents at a shooting range on the island of Lesbos to house the refugees.

© Petros Giannakouris / AP / dpa

the Medical aid organization currently reports that organizations founded by the refugees themselves are also providing help on the spot: since April, the local population has taken care of corona prevention measures themselves, and they are currently present in igloo tents .

Update September 11 at 7:33 pm: Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has announced that it will take the next step after accepting unaccompanied minor refugees: “Personally, it is very important to me that we find a quick solution for families with children,” he said on Friday night in Berlin. However, no figures are yet available on how many families are currently on the island of Lesbos and are waiting to leave. They are also working on a joint letter from German presidency and the EU Commission to EU Member States.

Update on September 11 at 17:47: More than 150 EU parliamentarians pressure Horst Seehofer as representative of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU. In a joint letter they demand sustainable solutions for the refugees who were housed in Moria. First, the Greek authorities would have to Corona tests support and humanitarian aid provided. However, instead of rebuilding the camp, the people should be completely distributed among the EU countries. In addition to the Greens, the letter was received from members of the Social Democrats, Leftists, and some Christian Democrats as well as a representative of the right EKR signed.

Demonstration after Moria fire disaster: refugees demand freedom

Update September 11 at 4:36 pm.: A group of about a thousand Refugees has after the Fire disaster in Moria camp demonstrated to Greek Island Of Lesbos leave. People chanted “Freedom” and “Germany” and marched from the burned camp towards the port of the island’s capital, Mytilene.

They got access to the port Protesters not because a large number of security forces blocked it. According to the police, the number of protesters amounted to about a thousand people. Local media representatives spoke of about 2000 people.

Refugee camp fire: people have been sleeping on the street for days

In the completely overcrowded Moria refugee camp The fires broke out on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and they got there completely destroyed. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) stated on Friday that the fire caused approx. 11,500 people, including 4,000 children, are homeless were.

During the past three days, many people have had to sleep under blankets outside. The Greek authorities are setting up temporary tents for the refugees.

Refugee camp fire: Green politician criticizes Seehofer plan as a “drop in a bucket”

Update September 11 at 2:07 pm: After this Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced that Germany would die Admission of up to 150 unaccompanied minors of the Moria refugee camp burned down Leader of the green parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt this decision as very little criticized.

“That has nothing to do with humanity and the order that must prevail, that is a Fall into a bucketwhich has already evaporated before it arrives, “Göring-Eckardt told the German press agency. There are still 4,000 children with their parents in Greece. “That has nothing to do with the values ​​of Europe.”

The green politician demanded that Germany take in significantly more people than the expected 150 minors. “That is good for each and every one of these 150 children, but it has nothing to do with dealing with this crisis,” Göring-Eckardt said. The Federal Republic must go ahead and “show what is possible.” In addition, Göring-Eckardt requested a Financial incentive, from which host States should benefit.

Moria refugee camp: a new refugee reception center will be built

Update September 11, 2020 at 11:29 am.: A new and modern one Refugee reception center should be on in the future Lesbos be built. At the moment, the Greek authorities are setting up a temporary tent camp. At the moment, most of the more than 12,000 migrants who have been brought by the Fire at Camp Moria they are homeless.

According to information from dpa The camp is said to be in a Greek army target practice area, a few kilometers north of the island’s capital. Mytilene, be erected. There is already a smaller camp called Kara Tepe nearby. UN Agency for Refugees and the municipality of Mytilene.

Fearing the islanders’ reaction to the closure of the Lagers Moria and everyone’s departure Migrants and opposing the construction of new camps, Athens had reinforced police units on Lesbos on Friday morning with water cannons and personnel.

Moria refugee camp: Seehofer shames EU MP on PK – Germany welcomes refugees

First report of September 11, 2020:

Berlin – Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) was expressed for the first time since Mark in Moria talk. “Thank God there were no injuries or deaths according to my information. But it is certainly a humanitarian emergency, “he said. “We want to draw the correct conclusions. The most important thing is on-site help. Offer accommodation and food to people ”. The federal government has a list of needs for Greece to receive. Aid organizations must be loud Seehofer work together and deliver as much as possible.

He confirmed again that Germany would like to take in 400 unaccompanied minors along with ten other EU countries. But they are still in talks with other countries. But the main part France and Germany with 100-150 people each. Finding one is important too European solution.

Fire in Moria: Seehofer wants to find a European solution: Interior minister highlights Germany’s pioneering role since 2015

the EU Commission I already announced before the fire * that I would present a plan by the end of September on what refugee policy should look like going forward, he said. Minister of interior. As the owner of the Presidency of the Council of the EU Germany now wants to find a solution quickly. “I will personally do my best to ensure that we find a solution for families with children quickly.” Horst seehofer notes that several hundred asylum seekers are admitted to Germany on working days. He also emphasized that 1.73 million refugees have already been accepted into this country since 2015.

“Even before the Moria fire, Germany agreed to take in 243 children in need of treatment in Germany.” Seehofer also said that some young people had already come to Germany when asked. “We have problems not only on Lesbos, but also on other Greek islands and in cyprus, in Malta, in Italy and in Spain. “Her suggestion is to focus primarily on families with children. “The first step is followed by others. But always in a European network. “

“We are dealing with a global problem.” Therefore, it should not be believed that this can be solved globally. “If the Germans acted alone, you can European solution write to files. It will be a Herculean job to establish European thought and European solidarity. You don’t have to wait until the last state has understood that. ” In recent days, Seehofer has often been contacted for his refugee policy *, including from his own party.

Greece: Seehofer shames EU Commission Vice President: New center planned in Lesbos after fire

“The top priority is to help right away,” he said. Vice President of the EU Commission, Margaritis Schinaswhich was added via videoconference. An image had been made of the situation in the place. “The Commission will present an EU pact on migration and asylum on September 30,” Schinas announced.

Seehofer starred at the joint Video-PK and asked Schinas about a new project Lesbos speak, which the Minister of the Interior himself described as outstanding. “If you want to comment on it now,” he pressed CSU politician laughing later. It is a new and modern refugee center which, in cooperation between the EU and Greece should arise. Schinas He replied with an embarrassed laugh and explained that he would not be with the Greek for half an hour Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis I wanted to talk about it and then comment.

He then declared: “Moria no longer exists. Therefore, it is clear that the Greek authorities have to create a new institution that is more modern and also allows asylum procedures to be carried out ”. The fire was probably started by the migrants themselves (Md). * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers
