Final rulings: courts ban “lateral thinking” manifestations


The “lateral thinking” demonstrations scheduled today in Bremen and Mannheim have ultimately been banned. According to the head of IMK, Maier, a third of right-wing extremists are present at such demonstrations.

The Federal Constitutional Court has confirmed the prohibition of a demonstration of “lateral thinking” against the Corona policy scheduled for today in Bremen. The Karlsruhe court rejected an urgent request from the organizers. The decisions of the Bremen authorities and courts were not objectionable in the context of the urgent procedure, said a spokesman for ARD Legal Editors With.

Therefore, the court followed two earlier decisions of the Bremen higher administrative and administrative courts. The lower courts had justified their decisions, among other things, with the high number of participants expected and a risk to the public. There are no more lenient means than a ban on assembly.

The Karlsruhe court has now also argued: “It would not be appropriate to impose a concept of protection and hygiene on the applicant, the compliance of which is ultimately not to be expected.” On the one hand, it is clear that there is not enough space for 20,000 participants at the planned demonstration location. On the other hand, based on experience with previous demonstrations, compliance with hygiene standards is not expected.

Bremen authorities also banned replacement rallies

Up to 20,000 participants were expected in the demonstration of the initiative “lateral thinking 421” under the slogan “National Festival for Peace and Freedom.” The police were preparing for a large-scale operation. She had announced that she would implement pronounced bans. Police water cannons are stationed at various points in Bremen.

The Bremen Ordnungsamt also banned replacement rallies registered today, as well as any urgent or spontaneous meetings on Friday. Bremen Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer said: “If you consider how many people restrict their social contacts out of solidarity and observe the rules of distance and hygiene, in no way can we tolerate that those who reject masks consciously endanger the health of the others with their behavior. “

The Mannheim demonstration finally banned

The manifestations of “lateral thinking” planned in Mannheim were finally banned. The administrative court dismissed a complaint by the organizer against a ban by the Karlsruhe administrative court. The court justified the rejection of the complaint with contradictory and vague statements by the organizer in public about whether he seriously wanted to enforce the previously established conditions. According to the court, there are “deep doubts” in this regard.

The judges followed the opinion of the Karlsruhe Administrative Court, according to which it was expected that the plaintiff would violate the conditions at the meeting or fail to ensure compliance, which would be punishable by law. This threatens public safety, the court had announced. The decision that has now been issued cannot be challenged.

Maier: A third of the protesters are right-wing extremists

According to the president of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK), Georg Maier, an average of around a third of the participants in the demonstrations of “lateral thinking” belong to the scene of the extreme right. “You can see it by the symbols and flags that appear there,” said the Thuringian Interior Minister of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung.”

Critics of the anti-corona measures taken by the federal and state governments include vaccine opponents and conspiracy theorists, who are beginning the gray zone toward right-wing extremism. Right-wing extremists would always seek connection with other social groups such as right-wing rock, youth culture, martial arts, or the soccer fan scene. “Now right-wing extremists are smelling the morning air and the possibility of penetrating much larger layers through the ‘lateral thinking’ protest movement,” Maier warned on the occasion of the fall meeting of the conference of government ministers. inside next week.

Maier calls for stricter controls

The SPD politician spoke out in favor of the police preventing the arrival of extremists from other parts of Germany in the run-up to the “lateral thinking” demonstrations. In view of the increase in violence in the immediate vicinity of the demonstrations, Maier said that the police had to “strictly control the participants if necessary”, for example for weapons.

In addition, the protection of the constitution must stop the movement. If there is sufficient evidence that “thinking outside the box” is an unconstitutional organization, “then the Office for the Protection of the Constitution should monitor innovative ideas.” Bremen Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer and President of the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Stephan J. Kramer, made a similar statement on Friday.

Soon a suspicious case for the protection of the constitution?

Kramer hopes the move will soon be classified as a suspect case. The background was a meeting of the organizers of the “lateral thinking” demonstrations against the crown measures with members of the Reich citizen scene in Saalfeld, he said.

It can be seen that “right-wing extremists, Reich citizens, vaccine opponents, and conspiracy fantasies” in the “lateral thinking” movement “seize the rule”, having initially appeared only as free riders. Classification as a suspicious case enables the protection of the Constitution to use intelligence services.

With information from Frank Bräutigam and Bernd Wolf, ARD legal editors
